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Office of the Inspector General


TAFS: 016-0106 /2022 - Office of the Inspector General

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: Yes
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1 $0
1010Unob Bal: Transferred to other accounts $0
1011Unob Bal: Transferred from other accounts $0
1012Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired accts $0
1020Unob Bal: Adj to SOY bal brought forward, Oct 1 $0
1021Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligations $0
1032Unob Bal: Refunds/recov temp precl ob (spec/trust) $0
1033Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations $0
1040Unob Bal: Antic nonexpenditure transfers (net) $0
1041Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl $0
1100BA: Disc: Appropriation $0
1101BA: Disc: Appropriation (special or trust fund) $0
1120BA: Disc: Approps transferred to other accounts $0
1121BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accounts $0
1130BA: Disc: Appropriations permanently reduced $0
1131BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reduced $0
1132BA: Disc: Appropriations temporarily reduced $0
1133BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps temporarily reduced $0
1134BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation $0
1150BA: Disc: Anticipated appropriation $0
1151BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net $0
1170BA: Disc: Advance appropriation $0
1171BA: Disc: Adv approp (special or trust fund) $0
1173BA: Disc: Advance approps permanently reduced $0
1174BA: Disc: Advance approps temporarily reduced $0
1200BA: Mand: Appropriation $0
1201BA: Mand: Appropriation (special or trust fund) $0
1203BA: Mand: Appropriation (previously unavailable) $0
1220BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accounts $0
1221BA: Mand: Approps transferred from other accounts $0
1230BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps perm reduced $0
1232BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced $0
1234BA: Mand: Appropriations precluded from obligation $0
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriation $0
1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net $0
1270BA: Mand: Advance appropriation $0
1271BA: Mand: Adv appropriation(special or trust fund) $0
1272BA: Mand: Advance approps permanently reduced $0
1273BA: Mand: Advance approps temporarily reduced $0
1700BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected $0
17001BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (UTF) $0
17002BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (BLDTF) $0
17003BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (Reimbursable) $0See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1700 (3):

B1: Actual and anticipated reimbursement through September 30, 2022.

1710BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts $0
1711BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts $0
1722BA: Disc: Spending auth: Permanently reduced $0
1723BA: Disc: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced $0
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $0
17401BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic colls, reimbs, other (UTF) $0
17402BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic colls, reimbs, other (BLDTF) $0
17403BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic colls, reimbs, other (Reimbursable) $500,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1740 (3):

B1: Actual and anticipated reimbursement through September 30, 2022.

1741BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net $0
1800BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected $0
1802BA: Mand: Spending auth: Previously unavailable $0
1810BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts $0
1811BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts $0
1823BA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced $0
1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $0
1841BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net $0
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $500,000
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $125,000
6002Category A -- 2nd quarter $125,000
6003Category A -- 3rd quarter $125,000
6004Category A -- 4th quarter $125,000
6011Reimbursable Account $0
6012Project 1 - Disaster $0
6013Project 2 - International Labor Affairs $0
6014Project 3 - Administration and Management $0
6015Project 4 $0
6170Apportioned in FY 2023 $0
6171Apportioned in FY 2024 $0
6180Budgetary Resources: Withheld pending rescission $0
6181Budgetary Resources: Deferred $0
6182Budgetary Resources: Unappor bal, revolving fnd $0
6183Budgetary Resources: Exempt from apportionment $0
6190Total budgetary resources available $500,000


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Actual and anticipated reimbursement through September 30, 2022.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.