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CFO/CIO Act Agencies
Explore Agencies
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Multiple keywords are inclusive and must be separated by commas. E.g.
navy, department of defense, medical
will match all those terms.
Agency and bureau
400 Years of African-American History Commission
Access Board
Department of Health and Human Services
--- Administration for Children and Families
--- Administration for Community Living
--- Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
--- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
--- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
--- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
--- Departmental Management
--- Food and Drug Administration
--- Health Resources and Services Administration
--- Indian Health Service
--- National Institutes of Health
--- Office of the Inspector General
--- Program Support Center
--- Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration
--- Substance use And Mental Health Services Administration
Department of State
--- Administration of Foreign Affairs
--- International Commissions
--- International Organizations and Conferences
--- Other
Administrative Conference of the United States
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
International Assistance Programs
--- African Development Foundation
--- Agency for International Development
--- Inter-American Foundation
--- International Monetary Programs
--- International Security Assistance
--- Military Sales Program
--- Millennium Challenge Corporation
--- Multilateral Assistance
--- Peace Corps
--- Trade and Development Agency
--- United States International Development Finance Corporation
Department of Agriculture
--- Agricultural Marketing Service
--- Agricultural Research Service
--- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
--- Buildings and Facilities
--- Economic Research Service
--- Executive Operations
--- Farm Production and Conservation
--- Farm Service Agency
--- Food and Nutrition Service
--- Food Safety and Inspection Service
--- Foreign Agricultural Service
--- Forest Service
--- National Agricultural Statistics Service
--- National Institute of Food and Agriculture
--- Natural Resources Conservation Service
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary
--- Risk Management Agency
--- Rural Business-Cooperative Service
--- Rural Development
--- Rural Housing Service
--- Rural Utilities Service
Department of the Treasury
--- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
--- Bureau of Engraving and Printing
--- Departmental Offices
--- Federal Financing Bank
--- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
--- Fiscal Service
--- Internal Revenue Service
--- United States Mint
Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Com. on Native Children
Other Defense (Civil Programs)
--- American Battle Monuments Commission
--- Armed Forces Retirement Home
--- Cemeterial Expenses
--- Forest and Wildlife Conservation, Military Reservations
--- Retiree Health Care
--- Selective Service System
Department of Homeland Security
--- Analysis and Operations
--- Citizenship and Immigration Services
--- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office
--- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
--- Federal Emergency Management Agency
--- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
--- Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
--- Management Directorate
--- Office of the Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary and Executive Management
--- Science and Technology
--- Transportation Security Administration
--- United States Coast Guard
--- United States Secret Service
--- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
--- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Appalachian Regional Commission
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundati
Department of Veterans Affairs
--- Benefits Programs
--- Departmental Administration
--- Veterans Health Administration
Department of Justice
--- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
--- Drug Enforcement Administration
--- Federal Bureau of Investigation
--- Federal Prison System
--- General Administration
--- Interagency Law Enforcement
--- Justice Operations, Management, and Accountability
--- Legal Activities and U.S. Marshals
--- National Security Division
--- Office of Justice Programs
--- Radiation Exposure Compensation
--- State, Local, and Tribal Justice Assistance
--- State, Local, and Tribal Justice Assistance Programs
--- United States Parole Commission
Department of Commerce
--- Bureau of Economic Analysis
--- Bureau of Industry and Security
--- Bureau of the Census
--- Departmental Management
--- Economic Development Administration
--- International Trade Administration
--- Minority Business Development Agency
--- National Institute of Standards and Technology
--- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
--- National Technical Information Service
--- National Telecommunications and Information Administration
--- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Department of the Interior
--- Bureau of Indian Affairs
--- Bureau of Indian Education
--- Bureau of Land Management
--- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
--- Bureau of Reclamation
--- Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
--- Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
--- Central Utah Project
--- Departmental Offices
--- Department-Wide Programs
--- Insular Affairs
--- National Indian Gaming Commission
--- National Park Service
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
--- Office of the Solicitor
--- United States Fish and Wildlife Service
--- United States Geological Survey
Department of Labor
--- Bureau of Labor Statistics
--- Departmental Management
--- Employee Benefits Security Administration
--- Employment and Training Administration
--- Mine Safety and Health Administration
--- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
--- Office of Disability Employment Policy
--- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of Labor Management Standards
--- Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
--- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
--- Veterans' Employment and Training Service
--- Wage and Hour Division
Central Intelligence Agency
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Civil Rights
Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind/Disabled
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Department of Housing and Urban Development
--- Community Planning and Development
--- Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
--- Government National Mortgage Association
--- Housing Programs
--- Management and Administration
--- Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
--- Policy Development and Research
--- Public and Indian Housing Programs
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Corporation for National and Community Service
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Corporation for Travel Promotion
Corps of Engineers (Civil Works)
Executive Office of the President
--- Council of Economic Advisers
--- Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Qua
--- Executive Residence at the White House
--- National Security Council and Homeland Security Council
--- National Space Council
--- Office of Administration
--- Office of Management and Budget
--- Office of National Drug Control Policy
--- Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response
--- Office of Science and Technology Policy
--- Office of the National Cyber Director
--- Office of the United States Trade Representative
--- Special Assistance to the President and the Official Residence
--- The White House
--- Unanticipated Needs
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Delta Regional Authority
Denali Commission
Department of Energy
--- Departmental Administration
--- Energy Programs
--- Environmental and Other Defense Activities
--- National Nuclear Security Administration
--- Power Marketing Administration
Department of Education
--- Departmental Management
--- Disaster Education Recovery
--- Institute of Education Sciences
--- Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
--- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
--- Office of English Language Acquisition
--- Office of Federal Student Aid
--- Office of Innovation and Improvement
--- Office of Postsecondary Education
--- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
District of Columbia
--- District of Columbia Courts
--- District of Columbia General and Special Payments
Election Assistance Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Department of Defense (Military Programs)
--- Family Housing
--- International Reconstruction and Other Assistance
--- Military Construction
--- Military Personnel
--- Operation and Maintenance
--- Procurement
--- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
--- Revolving and Management Funds
--- Trust Funds
Department of Transportation
--- Federal Aviation Administration
--- Federal Highway Administration
--- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
--- Federal Railroad Administration
--- Federal Transit Administration
--- Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
--- Maritime Administration
--- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary
--- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Drug Control Programs
Federal Election Commission
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
Federal Trade Commission
General Services Administration
--- General Activities
--- Real Property Activities
--- Supply and Technology Activities
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Intelligence Community Management Account
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
Legal Services Corporation
Marine Mammal Commission
Merit Systems Protection Board
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Archives and Records Administration
National Capital Planning Commission
National Council on Disability
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Labor Relations Board
National Mediation Board
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector Gene
National Science Foundation
National Transportation Safety Board
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border Regional Commission
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Special Counsel
Other Commissions and Boards
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
Presidio Trust
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Public Buildings Reform Board
Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
Railroad Retirement Board
Securities and Exchange Commission
Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Institution
Social Security Administration
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission
Southwest Border Regional Commission
Surface Transportation Board
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Institute of Peace
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
U.S. Agency for Global Media
Account number (Treasury Account Symbol)
Account name
Approved by
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance, and Labor
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Energy, Science and Water Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Health Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Housing, Treasury, and Commerce
Acting Deputy Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for National Security Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Natural Resources
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
Acting Program Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Deputy Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance and Labor
Deputy Associate Director for Energy, Science and Water Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Health Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Deputy Associate Director for National Security Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Natural Resources
Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
for Deputy Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
for Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
Program Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance and Labor
Program Associate Director for Health Programs
Program Associate Director for Homeland Programs
Program Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Program Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
Program Associate Director for National Security Programs
Program Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science Programs
Program Associate Director for Transportation, Justice and Service Programs
Fiscal year
Approved date range
Has line number
1000 - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1
1010 - Unob Bal: Transferred to other accounts
1011 - Unob Bal: Transferred from other accounts
1012 - Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired accts
1013 - Unob Bal: Contract authority transferred
1020 - Unob Bal: Adj to SOY bal brought forward, Oct 1
1021 - Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligations
1022 - Unob Bal: Capital transfer to general fund
1023 - Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt
1024 - Unob Bal: Borrowing authority withdrawn
1025 - Unob Bal: Contract authority withdrawn
1026 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation\valuation
1027 - Unob Bal: Change in zero coupon bonds(spec/trust)
1028 - Unob Bal: Change in zero coupon bonds (revolving)
1029 - Unob Bal: Other balances withdrawn to Treasury
1030 - Unob Bal: Other balances withdrawn to spec/trust
1031 - Unob Bal: Other balances not available
1032 - Unob Bal: Refunds/recov temp precl ob (spec/trust)
1033 - Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations
1035 - Unob Bal: Precl from obl (spec/trust) (limitation)
1036 - Unob Bal: Adjustment for debt forgiveness
1037 - Unob Bal: Appropriations withdrawn
1039 - Unob Bal: Offset adj for change in allocation
1040 - Unob Bal: Adj to PY indef approp in subseq FY
1041 - Unob Bal: Other balances previously not avail
1042 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port)
1043 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port)
1044 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/r port)
1045 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (tf port)
1046 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in net principal
1047 - Unob Bal: Withdrawal for existing unpaid obls
1060 - Unob Bal: Antic nonexpenditure transfers (net)
1061 - Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl
1062 - Unob Bal: Antic cap trans and redemption of debt
1063 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port)
1064 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port)
1065 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (tf port)
1066 - Unob Bal: Antic precl fr obl (spec/tr)(limitation)
1067 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in net principal
1068 - Unob Bal: Antic unob bal of contract auth wthdrwn
1069 - Unob Bal: Antic withdrawal for existing obligatns
1100 - BA: Disc: Appropriation
1101 - BA: Disc: Appropriation (special or trust fund)
1102 - BA: Disc: Appropriation (previously unavaible)
1103 - BA: Disc: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust)
1104 - BA: Disc: Approp available from subsequent year
1105 - BA: Disc: Appropriation available in prior year
1106 - BA: Disc: Reappropriation
1120 - BA: Disc: Approps transferred to other accounts
1121 - BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accounts
1122 - BA: Disc: Exercised borrow auth xfer from oth acct
1130 - BA: Disc: Appropriations permanently reduced
1131 - BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reduced
1132 - BA: Disc: Appropriations temporarily reduced
1133 - BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps temporarily reduced
1134 - Appropriations precluded from obligation
1135 - BA: Disc: Approp precluded from ob (spec/trust)
1136 - BA: Disc: Appropriations applied to repay debt
1137 - BA: Disc: Approps rdc by offset coll(coll)/recpts
1138 - BA: Disc: Approps applied to liq contract auth
1139 - BA: Disc: Approps substituted for borrowing auth
1140 - BA: Disc: Approps: Cap trans to general fund
1141 - BA: Disc: Approp applied to liq cont auth withdrwn
1150 - BA: Disc: Anticipated appropriation
1151 - BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net
1152 - BA: Disc: Approps: Antic cap trans redemp debt
1153 - BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt
1154 - BA: Disc: Antic approp precl from ob (spec/trust)
1155 - BA: Disc: Antic indef approp perm/temp reduced
1170 - BA: Disc: Advance appropriation
1171 - BA: Disc: Adv approp (special or trust fund)
1172 - BA: Disc: Adv approps trans to other accounts
1173 - BA: Disc: Adv approps trans fr other accounts
1174 - BA: Disc: Advance approps permanently reduced
1175 - BA: Disc: Advance approps temporarily reduced
1176 - BA: Disc: Adv approps antic nonexpend trans net
1200 - BA: Mand: Appropriation
1201 - BA: Mand: Appropriation (special or trust fund)
1202 - BA: Mand: Appropriation (previously unavailable)
1203 - BA: Mand: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust)
1206 - BA: Mand: Reappropriation
1220 - BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accounts
1221 - Appropriations transferred from other accounts
1222 - BA: Mand: Exercised borrow auth xfer from oth acct
1230 - BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps perm reduced
1232 - BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced
1234 - BA: Mand: Appropriations precluded from obligation
1235 - BA: Mand: Approp precluded from ob (spec/trust)
1236 - BA: Mand: Appropriations applied to repay debt
1238 - BA: Mand: Approps applied to liq contract auth
1239 - BA: Mand: Approps substituted for borrowing auth
1240 - BA: Mand: Approps: Cap trans to general fund
1250 - BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriation
1251 - BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net
1252 - BA: Mand: Approrps: Antic cap trans redemp debt
1254 - BA: Mand: Antic approp precl from ob (spec/trust)
1255 - BA: Mand: Antic indef approp perm/temp reduced
1270 - BA: Mand: Advance appropriation
1271 - BA: Mand: Adv appropriation(special or trust fund)
1272 - BA: Mand: Adv approps trans to other accounts
1273 - BA: Mand: Adv approps trans fr other accounts
1274 - BA: Mand: Advance approps permanently reduced
1275 - BA: Mand: Advance approps temporarily reduced
1276 - BA: Mand: Adv approps antic nonexpend trans net
1300 - BA: Disc: Borrowing authority
1320 - BA: Disc: Borrowing authority permanently reduced
1330 - BA: Disc: Borrowing auth: Antic reduc to curr FY
1400 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority
1410 - BA: Mand: Exercised borrow auth xfer to oth acct
1420 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority permanently reduced
1421 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority temporarily reduced
1422 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority applied repay debt
1423 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1424 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth:Cap trans to general fund
1430 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic reduc to curr FY
1431 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic nonexpend trans
1432 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic precl fr ob
1500 - BA: Disc: Contract authority
1510 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Trans to other accounts
1511 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Trans from other accounts
1520 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: New\Unob bal perm reduced
1522 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1530 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1531 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic adj to current FY
1532 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic precl fr ob
1600 - BA: Mand: Contract authority
1603 - BA: Mand: Contract auth (previously unavailable)
1610 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Trans to other accounts
1611 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Trans from other accounts
1620 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: New\Unob bal perm reduced
1621 - BA: Mand: Contact authority temporarily reduced
1622 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1630 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1631 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic adj to current FY
1632 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic precl fr ob
1700 - BA Disc:Spending auth: Collected
1701 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src
1702 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Previously unavailable
1710 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts
1711 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts
1720 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund
1721 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Permanently reduced
1722 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Unob bal perm reduced
1723 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced
1724 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1725 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt
1726 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Applied to liq cont auth
1727 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Subbed for borrowing auth
1740 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other
1741 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1742 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic cap tran, red debt
1743 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic precl fr ob (lim)
1744 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic perm/temp reduced
1800 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected
1801 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src
1802 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Previously unavailable
1810 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts
1811 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts
1820 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund
1821 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Permanently reduced
1822 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Unob bal perm reduced
1823 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced
1824 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1825 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt
1826 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to liq cont auth
1827 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Subbed for borrowing auth
1840 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other
1841 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1842 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic cap tran, red debt
1843 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic precl fr ob (lim)
1844 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic perm/temp reduced
1902 - Adj for total budgetary res subj to obl limitation
1920 - Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)
6001 - Category A: 1st quarter
6002 - Category A: 2nd quarter
6003 - Category A: 3rd quarter
6004 - Category A: 4th quarter
6011 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6012 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6013 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6014 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6015 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6016 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6017 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6018 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6019 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6020 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6021 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6022 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6023 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6024 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6025 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6026 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6027 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6028 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6029 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6030 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6031 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6032 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6033 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6034 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6035 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6036 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6037 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6038 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6039 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6040 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6041 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6042 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6043 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6044 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6045 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6046 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6047 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6048 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6049 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6050 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6051 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6052 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6053 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6054 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6055 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6056 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6057 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6058 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6059 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6060 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6061 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6062 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6063 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6064 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6065 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6066 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6067 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6068 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6069 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6070 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6071 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6072 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6073 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6074 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6075 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6076 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6077 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6078 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6079 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6080 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6081 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6082 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6083 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6084 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6085 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6086 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6087 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6088 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6089 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6090 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6091 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6092 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6093 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6094 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6095 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6096 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6097 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6098 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6099 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6100 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6101 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6102 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6103 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6104 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6105 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6106 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6107 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6108 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6109 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6110 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6111 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6112 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6113 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6114 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6115 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6116 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6117 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6118 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6119 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6120 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6121 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6122 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6123 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6124 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6125 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6126 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6127 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6128 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6129 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6130 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6131 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6132 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6133 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6134 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6135 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6136 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6137 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6138 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6139 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6140 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6141 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6142 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6143 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6144 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6145 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6146 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6147 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6148 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6149 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6150 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6151 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6152 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6153 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6154 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6155 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6156 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6157 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6158 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6170 - Category C: Apportioned 1st FY beyond the current year
6171 - Category C: Apportioned 2nd FY beyond the current year
6172 - Category C: Apportioned 3rd FY beyond the current year
6173 - Category C: Apportioned 4th FY beyond the current year
6180 - Budgetary Resources: Withheld pending rescission
6181 - Budgetary Resources: Deferred
6182 - Budgetary Resources: Unappor bal, revolving fnd
6183 - Budgetary resources: Exempt from apportionment
6190 - Total budgetary resources available
8100 - Program Level, Current Year
8200 - Program Level, Unused from prior years
8201 - Application, Category A, First quarter
8202 - Application, Category A, Second quarter
8203 - Application, Category A, Third quarter
8204 - Application, Category A, Fourth quarter
8211 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8212 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8213 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8220 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8232 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
Has Footnote
Apportionment Type
Standard (Excel)
Letter (PDF)
Standard (Excel)
Letter (PDF)
Multiple keywords are inclusive and must be separated by commas. E.g.
navy, department of defense, medical
will match all those terms.
Agency and bureau
400 Years of African-American History Commission
Access Board
Department of Health and Human Services
--- Administration for Children and Families
--- Administration for Community Living
--- Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
--- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
--- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
--- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
--- Departmental Management
--- Food and Drug Administration
--- Health Resources and Services Administration
--- Indian Health Service
--- National Institutes of Health
--- Office of the Inspector General
--- Program Support Center
--- Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration
--- Substance use And Mental Health Services Administration
Department of State
--- Administration of Foreign Affairs
--- International Commissions
--- International Organizations and Conferences
--- Other
Administrative Conference of the United States
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
International Assistance Programs
--- African Development Foundation
--- Agency for International Development
--- Inter-American Foundation
--- International Monetary Programs
--- International Security Assistance
--- Military Sales Program
--- Millennium Challenge Corporation
--- Multilateral Assistance
--- Peace Corps
--- Trade and Development Agency
--- United States International Development Finance Corporation
Department of Agriculture
--- Agricultural Marketing Service
--- Agricultural Research Service
--- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
--- Buildings and Facilities
--- Economic Research Service
--- Executive Operations
--- Farm Production and Conservation
--- Farm Service Agency
--- Food and Nutrition Service
--- Food Safety and Inspection Service
--- Foreign Agricultural Service
--- Forest Service
--- National Agricultural Statistics Service
--- National Institute of Food and Agriculture
--- Natural Resources Conservation Service
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary
--- Risk Management Agency
--- Rural Business-Cooperative Service
--- Rural Development
--- Rural Housing Service
--- Rural Utilities Service
Department of the Treasury
--- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
--- Bureau of Engraving and Printing
--- Departmental Offices
--- Federal Financing Bank
--- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
--- Fiscal Service
--- Internal Revenue Service
--- United States Mint
Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Com. on Native Children
Other Defense (Civil Programs)
--- American Battle Monuments Commission
--- Armed Forces Retirement Home
--- Cemeterial Expenses
--- Forest and Wildlife Conservation, Military Reservations
--- Retiree Health Care
--- Selective Service System
Department of Homeland Security
--- Analysis and Operations
--- Citizenship and Immigration Services
--- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office
--- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
--- Federal Emergency Management Agency
--- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
--- Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
--- Management Directorate
--- Office of the Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary and Executive Management
--- Science and Technology
--- Transportation Security Administration
--- United States Coast Guard
--- United States Secret Service
--- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
--- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Appalachian Regional Commission
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundati
Department of Veterans Affairs
--- Benefits Programs
--- Departmental Administration
--- Veterans Health Administration
Department of Justice
--- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
--- Drug Enforcement Administration
--- Federal Bureau of Investigation
--- Federal Prison System
--- General Administration
--- Interagency Law Enforcement
--- Justice Operations, Management, and Accountability
--- Legal Activities and U.S. Marshals
--- National Security Division
--- Office of Justice Programs
--- Radiation Exposure Compensation
--- State, Local, and Tribal Justice Assistance
--- State, Local, and Tribal Justice Assistance Programs
--- United States Parole Commission
Department of Commerce
--- Bureau of Economic Analysis
--- Bureau of Industry and Security
--- Bureau of the Census
--- Departmental Management
--- Economic Development Administration
--- International Trade Administration
--- Minority Business Development Agency
--- National Institute of Standards and Technology
--- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
--- National Technical Information Service
--- National Telecommunications and Information Administration
--- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Department of the Interior
--- Bureau of Indian Affairs
--- Bureau of Indian Education
--- Bureau of Land Management
--- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
--- Bureau of Reclamation
--- Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
--- Bureau of Trust Funds Administration
--- Central Utah Project
--- Departmental Offices
--- Department-Wide Programs
--- Insular Affairs
--- National Indian Gaming Commission
--- National Park Service
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
--- Office of the Solicitor
--- United States Fish and Wildlife Service
--- United States Geological Survey
Department of Labor
--- Bureau of Labor Statistics
--- Departmental Management
--- Employee Benefits Security Administration
--- Employment and Training Administration
--- Mine Safety and Health Administration
--- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
--- Office of Disability Employment Policy
--- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of Labor Management Standards
--- Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
--- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
--- Veterans' Employment and Training Service
--- Wage and Hour Division
Central Intelligence Agency
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
Civil Rights Cold Case Records Review Board
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Civil Rights
Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind/Disabled
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Department of Housing and Urban Development
--- Community Planning and Development
--- Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
--- Government National Mortgage Association
--- Housing Programs
--- Management and Administration
--- Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
--- Policy Development and Research
--- Public and Indian Housing Programs
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Corporation for National and Community Service
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Corporation for Travel Promotion
Corps of Engineers (Civil Works)
Executive Office of the President
--- Council of Economic Advisers
--- Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Qua
--- Executive Residence at the White House
--- National Security Council and Homeland Security Council
--- National Space Council
--- Office of Administration
--- Office of Management and Budget
--- Office of National Drug Control Policy
--- Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response
--- Office of Science and Technology Policy
--- Office of the National Cyber Director
--- Office of the United States Trade Representative
--- Special Assistance to the President and the Official Residence
--- The White House
--- Unanticipated Needs
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Delta Regional Authority
Denali Commission
Department of Energy
--- Departmental Administration
--- Energy Programs
--- Environmental and Other Defense Activities
--- National Nuclear Security Administration
--- Power Marketing Administration
Department of Education
--- Departmental Management
--- Disaster Education Recovery
--- Institute of Education Sciences
--- Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
--- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
--- Office of English Language Acquisition
--- Office of Federal Student Aid
--- Office of Innovation and Improvement
--- Office of Postsecondary Education
--- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
District of Columbia
--- District of Columbia Courts
--- District of Columbia General and Special Payments
Election Assistance Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Department of Defense (Military Programs)
--- Family Housing
--- International Reconstruction and Other Assistance
--- Military Construction
--- Military Personnel
--- Operation and Maintenance
--- Procurement
--- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
--- Revolving and Management Funds
--- Trust Funds
Department of Transportation
--- Federal Aviation Administration
--- Federal Highway Administration
--- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
--- Federal Railroad Administration
--- Federal Transit Administration
--- Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
--- Maritime Administration
--- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
--- Office of Inspector General
--- Office of the Secretary
--- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Drug Control Programs
Federal Election Commission
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
Federal Trade Commission
General Services Administration
--- General Activities
--- Real Property Activities
--- Supply and Technology Activities
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Intelligence Community Management Account
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
Legal Services Corporation
Marine Mammal Commission
Merit Systems Protection Board
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Archives and Records Administration
National Capital Planning Commission
National Council on Disability
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Labor Relations Board
National Mediation Board
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector Gene
National Science Foundation
National Transportation Safety Board
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border Regional Commission
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Special Counsel
Other Commissions and Boards
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
Presidio Trust
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Public Buildings Reform Board
Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
Railroad Retirement Board
Securities and Exchange Commission
Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Institution
Social Security Administration
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission
Southwest Border Regional Commission
Surface Transportation Board
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Institute of Peace
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
U.S. Agency for Global Media
Account number (Treasury Account Symbol)
Account name
Approved by
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance, and Labor
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Energy, Science and Water Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Health Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Housing, Treasury, and Commerce
Acting Deputy Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for National Security Programs
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Natural Resources
Acting Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
Acting Program Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Deputy Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance and Labor
Deputy Associate Director for Energy, Science and Water Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Health Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Deputy Associate Director for National Security Programs
Deputy Associate Director for Natural Resources
Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
for Deputy Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
for Deputy Associate Director for Transportation, Homeland, Justice and Service Programs
Program Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance and Labor
Program Associate Director for Health Programs
Program Associate Director for Homeland Programs
Program Associate Director for Housing, Treasury and Commerce
Program Associate Director for International Affairs Programs
Program Associate Director for National Security Programs
Program Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science Programs
Program Associate Director for Transportation, Justice and Service Programs
Fiscal year
Approved date range
Has line number
1000 - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1
1010 - Unob Bal: Transferred to other accounts
1011 - Unob Bal: Transferred from other accounts
1012 - Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired accts
1013 - Unob Bal: Contract authority transferred
1020 - Unob Bal: Adj to SOY bal brought forward, Oct 1
1021 - Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligations
1022 - Unob Bal: Capital transfer to general fund
1023 - Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt
1024 - Unob Bal: Borrowing authority withdrawn
1025 - Unob Bal: Contract authority withdrawn
1026 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation\valuation
1027 - Unob Bal: Change in zero coupon bonds(spec/trust)
1028 - Unob Bal: Change in zero coupon bonds (revolving)
1029 - Unob Bal: Other balances withdrawn to Treasury
1030 - Unob Bal: Other balances withdrawn to spec/trust
1031 - Unob Bal: Other balances not available
1032 - Unob Bal: Refunds/recov temp precl ob (spec/trust)
1033 - Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations
1035 - Unob Bal: Precl from obl (spec/trust) (limitation)
1036 - Unob Bal: Adjustment for debt forgiveness
1037 - Unob Bal: Appropriations withdrawn
1039 - Unob Bal: Offset adj for change in allocation
1040 - Unob Bal: Adj to PY indef approp in subseq FY
1041 - Unob Bal: Other balances previously not avail
1042 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port)
1043 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port)
1044 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/r port)
1045 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (tf port)
1046 - Unob Bal: Adj for change in net principal
1047 - Unob Bal: Withdrawal for existing unpaid obls
1060 - Unob Bal: Antic nonexpenditure transfers (net)
1061 - Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl
1062 - Unob Bal: Antic cap trans and redemption of debt
1063 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port)
1064 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port)
1065 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (tf port)
1066 - Unob Bal: Antic precl fr obl (spec/tr)(limitation)
1067 - Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in net principal
1068 - Unob Bal: Antic unob bal of contract auth wthdrwn
1069 - Unob Bal: Antic withdrawal for existing obligatns
1100 - BA: Disc: Appropriation
1101 - BA: Disc: Appropriation (special or trust fund)
1102 - BA: Disc: Appropriation (previously unavaible)
1103 - BA: Disc: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust)
1104 - BA: Disc: Approp available from subsequent year
1105 - BA: Disc: Appropriation available in prior year
1106 - BA: Disc: Reappropriation
1120 - BA: Disc: Approps transferred to other accounts
1121 - BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accounts
1122 - BA: Disc: Exercised borrow auth xfer from oth acct
1130 - BA: Disc: Appropriations permanently reduced
1131 - BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reduced
1132 - BA: Disc: Appropriations temporarily reduced
1133 - BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps temporarily reduced
1134 - Appropriations precluded from obligation
1135 - BA: Disc: Approp precluded from ob (spec/trust)
1136 - BA: Disc: Appropriations applied to repay debt
1137 - BA: Disc: Approps rdc by offset coll(coll)/recpts
1138 - BA: Disc: Approps applied to liq contract auth
1139 - BA: Disc: Approps substituted for borrowing auth
1140 - BA: Disc: Approps: Cap trans to general fund
1141 - BA: Disc: Approp applied to liq cont auth withdrwn
1150 - BA: Disc: Anticipated appropriation
1151 - BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net
1152 - BA: Disc: Approps: Antic cap trans redemp debt
1153 - BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt
1154 - BA: Disc: Antic approp precl from ob (spec/trust)
1155 - BA: Disc: Antic indef approp perm/temp reduced
1170 - BA: Disc: Advance appropriation
1171 - BA: Disc: Adv approp (special or trust fund)
1172 - BA: Disc: Adv approps trans to other accounts
1173 - BA: Disc: Adv approps trans fr other accounts
1174 - BA: Disc: Advance approps permanently reduced
1175 - BA: Disc: Advance approps temporarily reduced
1176 - BA: Disc: Adv approps antic nonexpend trans net
1200 - BA: Mand: Appropriation
1201 - BA: Mand: Appropriation (special or trust fund)
1202 - BA: Mand: Appropriation (previously unavailable)
1203 - BA: Mand: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust)
1206 - BA: Mand: Reappropriation
1220 - BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accounts
1221 - Appropriations transferred from other accounts
1222 - BA: Mand: Exercised borrow auth xfer from oth acct
1230 - BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps perm reduced
1232 - BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced
1234 - BA: Mand: Appropriations precluded from obligation
1235 - BA: Mand: Approp precluded from ob (spec/trust)
1236 - BA: Mand: Appropriations applied to repay debt
1238 - BA: Mand: Approps applied to liq contract auth
1239 - BA: Mand: Approps substituted for borrowing auth
1240 - BA: Mand: Approps: Cap trans to general fund
1250 - BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriation
1251 - BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net
1252 - BA: Mand: Approrps: Antic cap trans redemp debt
1254 - BA: Mand: Antic approp precl from ob (spec/trust)
1255 - BA: Mand: Antic indef approp perm/temp reduced
1270 - BA: Mand: Advance appropriation
1271 - BA: Mand: Adv appropriation(special or trust fund)
1272 - BA: Mand: Adv approps trans to other accounts
1273 - BA: Mand: Adv approps trans fr other accounts
1274 - BA: Mand: Advance approps permanently reduced
1275 - BA: Mand: Advance approps temporarily reduced
1276 - BA: Mand: Adv approps antic nonexpend trans net
1300 - BA: Disc: Borrowing authority
1320 - BA: Disc: Borrowing authority permanently reduced
1330 - BA: Disc: Borrowing auth: Antic reduc to curr FY
1400 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority
1410 - BA: Mand: Exercised borrow auth xfer to oth acct
1420 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority permanently reduced
1421 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority temporarily reduced
1422 - BA: Mand: Borrowing authority applied repay debt
1423 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1424 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth:Cap trans to general fund
1430 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic reduc to curr FY
1431 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic nonexpend trans
1432 - BA: Mand: Borrowing auth: Antic precl fr ob
1500 - BA: Disc: Contract authority
1510 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Trans to other accounts
1511 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Trans from other accounts
1520 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: New\Unob bal perm reduced
1522 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1530 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1531 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic adj to current FY
1532 - BA: Disc: Contract auth: Antic precl fr ob
1600 - BA: Mand: Contract authority
1603 - BA: Mand: Contract auth (previously unavailable)
1610 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Trans to other accounts
1611 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Trans from other accounts
1620 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: New\Unob bal perm reduced
1621 - BA: Mand: Contact authority temporarily reduced
1622 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1630 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1631 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic adj to current FY
1632 - BA: Mand: Contract auth: Antic precl fr ob
1700 - BA Disc:Spending auth: Collected
1701 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src
1702 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Previously unavailable
1710 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts
1711 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts
1720 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund
1721 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Permanently reduced
1722 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Unob bal perm reduced
1723 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced
1724 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1725 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt
1726 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Applied to liq cont auth
1727 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Subbed for borrowing auth
1740 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other
1741 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1742 - BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic cap tran, red debt
1743 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic precl fr ob (lim)
1744 - BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic perm/temp reduced
1800 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected
1801 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src
1802 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Previously unavailable
1810 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts
1811 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts
1820 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund
1821 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Permanently reduced
1822 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Unob bal perm reduced
1823 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced
1824 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Precluded from ob (lim)
1825 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt
1826 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to liq cont auth
1827 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Subbed for borrowing auth
1840 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other
1841 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net
1842 - BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic cap tran, red debt
1843 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic precl fr ob (lim)
1844 - BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic perm/temp reduced
1902 - Adj for total budgetary res subj to obl limitation
1920 - Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)
6001 - Category A: 1st quarter
6002 - Category A: 2nd quarter
6003 - Category A: 3rd quarter
6004 - Category A: 4th quarter
6011 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6012 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6013 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6014 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6015 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6016 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6017 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6018 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6019 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6020 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6021 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6022 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6023 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6024 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6025 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6026 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6027 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6028 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6029 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6030 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6031 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6032 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6033 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6034 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6035 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6036 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6037 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6038 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6039 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6040 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6041 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6042 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6043 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6044 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6045 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6046 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6047 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6048 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6049 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6050 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6051 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6052 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6053 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6054 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6055 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6056 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6057 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6058 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6059 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6060 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6061 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6062 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6063 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6064 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6065 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6066 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6067 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6068 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6069 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6070 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6071 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6072 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6073 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6074 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6075 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6076 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6077 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6078 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6079 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6080 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6081 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6082 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6083 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6084 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6085 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6086 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6087 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6088 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6089 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6090 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6091 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6092 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6093 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6094 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6095 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6096 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6097 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6098 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6099 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6100 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6101 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6102 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6103 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6104 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6105 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6106 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6107 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6108 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6109 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6110 - Category B: Amounts requested on a basis other than calendar quarters
6111 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6112 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6113 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6114 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6115 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6116 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6117 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6118 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6119 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6120 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6121 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6122 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6123 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6124 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6125 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6126 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6127 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6128 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6129 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6130 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6131 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6132 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6133 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6134 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6135 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6136 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6137 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6138 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6139 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6140 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6141 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6142 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6143 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6144 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6145 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6146 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6147 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6148 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6149 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6150 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6151 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6152 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6153 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6154 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6155 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6156 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6157 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6158 - Category AB: Amounts requested by fiscal quarters and projects
6170 - Category C: Apportioned 1st FY beyond the current year
6171 - Category C: Apportioned 2nd FY beyond the current year
6172 - Category C: Apportioned 3rd FY beyond the current year
6173 - Category C: Apportioned 4th FY beyond the current year
6180 - Budgetary Resources: Withheld pending rescission
6181 - Budgetary Resources: Deferred
6182 - Budgetary Resources: Unappor bal, revolving fnd
6183 - Budgetary resources: Exempt from apportionment
6190 - Total budgetary resources available
8100 - Program Level, Current Year
8200 - Program Level, Unused from prior years
8201 - Application, Category A, First quarter
8202 - Application, Category A, Second quarter
8203 - Application, Category A, Third quarter
8204 - Application, Category A, Fourth quarter
8211 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8212 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8213 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8220 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
8232 - Application, Category B (by project) or risk category
Has Footnote
Apportionment Type
Standard (Excel)
Letter (PDF)
Standard (Excel)
Letter (PDF)