International Broadcasting Operations
TAFS: 514-0206 2018/2023 - International Broadcasting Operations
Line # | Split | Description | Amount | Footnotes |
1000 | Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1 | $1,527,528 | See footnotes below | |
Footnotes for line 1000: | A1: Reflect a transfer of $677,528 from FY18/21 to 18/23 to remain available until expended for the Venezuela Interagency Agreement (IAA); and reflects actual carryover of $850,000 from FY21 to FY22 to remain available until expended for the Afghanistan Anti-Narcotics IAA. | |||
1920 | Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) | $1,527,528 | ||
6025 | Afghanistan Anti-Narcotices | $850,000 | See footnotes below | |
Footnotes for line 6025: | B2: This is the first FY22 apportionment which reflects actual carryover of $850,000 (total IAA of $850,000 less $0 in spending) to remain available until expended for an approved IAA with DOS to support INL's counternarcotics objective through a media and social awareness project. | |||
6035 | Venezuela | $677,528 | See footnotes below | |
Footnotes for line 6035: | B1: This is the first FY22 apportionment which reflects actual carryover of $677,528 (total IAA of $1,500,000 less $822,472 in spending) to remain available until expended for an approved IAA with USAID for medium wave radio broadcasting into Venezuela. Funding Is provided from the Development Assistance (DA) account, as appropriated by the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2018 (Div. K. P.L. 115-141) (SFOAA). These funds have been obligated into USAID's Development Objective Agreement (OOAG) with the Government of Venezuela shall be available for expenditure to pay for activities that occurred during the period of performance (POP) and do not expire. These funds are subject to the authority of section 7011 of the SFOAA. | |||
6190 | Total budgetary resources available | $1,527,528 |
Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.
Number | Text |
A1 | Reflect a transfer of $677,528 from FY18/21 to 18/23 to remain available until expended for the Venezuela Interagency Agreement (IAA); and reflects actual carryover of $850,000 from FY21 to FY22 to remain available until expended for the Afghanistan Anti-Narcotics IAA. |
B1 | This is the first FY22 apportionment which reflects actual carryover of $677,528 (total IAA of $1,500,000 less $822,472 in spending) to remain available until expended for an approved IAA with USAID for medium wave radio broadcasting into Venezuela. Funding Is provided from the Development Assistance (DA) account, as appropriated by the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2018 (Div. K. P.L. 115-141) (SFOAA). These funds have been obligated into USAID's Development Objective Agreement (OOAG) with the Government of Venezuela shall be available for expenditure to pay for activities that occurred during the period of performance (POP) and do not expire. These funds are subject to the authority of section 7011 of the SFOAA. |
B2 | This is the first FY22 apportionment which reflects actual carryover of $850,000 (total IAA of $850,000 less $0 in spending) to remain available until expended for an approved IAA with DOS to support INL's counternarcotics objective through a media and social awareness project. |
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