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Salaries and Expenses


TAFS: 075-0600 /X - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
Current OMB Action Amount
1000DA1Discretionary Actual - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1Line added+$1,463,411,609
1000DE1Discretionary Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1$1,823,436,942-$1,823,436,942
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1000 (DE1) (Previous):

B1: This amount reflects the net of anticipated advance collections in FY 2021 for FY 2022 that would be available under a continuing resolution or enactment of an appropriations for FDA (see Sheet 2).

B2: This amount reflects the net of unappropriated excess collections precluded from obligation for ADUFA ($2,058,256), AGDUFA ($2,363,711), and MDUFA ($39,912,561).

1000MAMandatory Actual - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1Line added+$1,856,409
1000ME1Mandatory Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1$1,255,769-$1,255,769
1021Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpd/pd oblLine added+$38,290,151
1061Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl$84,970,000-$35,315,151
1151BA: Disc: anticipated: Approps transferred from other accountsLine added+$8,500,000
1700BA: Disc: Spending auth: CollectedLine added+$1,013,217,001
1701BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed srcLine added+$7,772,130
17021BA: Disc: Spending auth: Previously unavailableLine added+$968,886,443
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1702 (1) (Current):

B1: The amount reflects advance collections in FY 2021 for FY 2022.

17022BA: Disc: Spending auth: Previously unavailableLine added+$78,850,895
1724BA: Disc: Spending auth: Precluded from ob (lim)-$79,468,729-$6,439,364
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1724 (Previous):

B3: The total on line 1724 represents a net of an increase in FY 2022 of $617,834 for MDUFA (a new total of $40,530,395 which includes $20,240,978 in unappropriated excess collections and $20,289,417 for the 1-month reserve) and $78,850,895 for PDUFA unappropriated excess collections.

Footnotes for line 1724 (Current):

B2: The amount reflects an increase in FY 2022 of $7,057,098 for MDUFA (a new total of $46,969,659 which includes $26,680,243 in unappropriated excess collections and $20,289,417 for the 1-month reserve) and $78,850,995 for PDUFA unappropriated excess collections. (Note: the amounts preluded from obligations for ADUFA ($2,058,256) and AGDUFA ($2,363,711) are reflected in the net carryover amount on line 1000).

1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$175,201,525+$795,712,443
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1740 (Current):

B3: The amount includes funding for FY 2022 estimated no-year reimbursements and HCFAC Wedge Agreement funding.

1800BA: Mand: Spending auth: CollectedLine added+$149,330
1801BA: Mand: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed srcLine added+$11,774,640
1802BA: Mand: Spending auth: Previously unavailable$28,500 $28,500
1823SEQBA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced-$28,500 -$28,500
1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$500,000+$2,418
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$2,005,895,507+$2,521,976,243
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B4: Amounts apportioned may not equal totals on the SF 133 due to rounding up to the next dollar. Amounts will not exceed available unobligated balances in the Unified Financial Management System for allotments.

6018CONTINGENCY FUND$352,571-$1
6020Oil Spill$41 $41
6021Priority Voucher Review$7,378,700+$5,547,516
6026Food & Drug Safety$745,172-$112,074
6029PRV-Pediatric Disease$17,914,696+$523,245
6030Outsourcing Facility$470,528+$1,446,649
6031Energy Saving Rebates$199,435+$565
6033Food Inspection$6,673,000+$132,000
6034Food Recall$1,492,000+$30,000
6035Zika Activities$131,264+$24,354
6036Third Party Auditors$729,236+$166,931
6037MCMi$56,322 $56,322
6041HCFAC Wedge FundLine added+$12,567,728
6042Coronavirus Emergency Funding (P.L. 116-123)$5,356,893-$2,385,636
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6042 (Previous):

A5: HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-123.

6043Coronavirus Response (P.L. 116-136)$48,940,843+$6,489,966
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6043 (Previous):

A6: HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-136.

6044Over the Counter Monograph$46,283,502+$5,115,206
6045Coronavirus Response (P.L.116-139)$17,685,662+$2,270,694
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6045 (Previous):

A7: HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-139.

6046Coronavirus Relief Funding (P.L. 116-260)$33,623,451-$2,907,571
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6046 (Previous):

A8: HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-260.

6047Seafood Safety Studies-GP Sec. 765$100,000 $100,000
6048Coronavirus ARP Act (P.L. 117-002)$395,725,812-$34,504,783
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6048 (Previous):

A9: Funds are available for obligation five business days after an HHS approved spend plan has been submitted to OMB.

6049Foreign Inspection Pilots (P.L. 117-103)Line added+$8,500,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$2,005,895,507+$2,521,976,243
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A1: Details on attachments are not subject to 31 USC 1517. The term "attachments" includes but is not limited to the worksheets in this excel file that accompany the SF 132 and this footnote worksheet.

A2: Pursuant to 31 USC 1553(b), not to exceed 1 percent of total appropriation for this account is apportioned for the purpose of paying legitimate obligations related to cancelled appropriations.

A3: The total amount apportioned may be increased for additional spending authority from offsetting collections received and for recoveries of prior year obligations by an amount not to exceed 10% of the sum of such amounts identified in the calculation of total budgetary resources available (excluding appropriations from the Medicare trust funds). The amount of such increase is to be applied to the appropriate line in the application of budgetary resources.

A4: Amounts apportioned may not equal totals on the SF 133 due to rounding up to the next dollar. Amounts will not exceed available unobligated balances in the Unified Financial Management System for allotments.

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

A1: The total amount apportioned may be increased for additional spending authority from offsetting collections received and for recoveries of prior year obligations by an amount not to exceed 10% of the sum of such amounts identified in the calculation of total budgetary resources available (excluding appropriations from the Medicare trust funds). The amount of such increase is to be applied to the appropriate line in the application of budgetary resources.


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

The total amount apportioned may be increased for additional spending authority from offsetting collections received and for recoveries of prior year obligations by an amount not to exceed 10% of the sum of such amounts identified in the calculation of total budgetary resources available (excluding appropriations from the Medicare trust funds). The amount of such increase is to be applied to the appropriate line in the application of budgetary resources.
The amount reflects advance collections in FY 2021 for FY 2022.
The amount reflects an increase in FY 2022 of $7,057,098 for MDUFA (a new total of $46,969,659 which includes $26,680,243 in unappropriated excess collections and $20,289,417 for the 1-month reserve) and $78,850,995 for PDUFA unappropriated excess collections. (Note: the amounts preluded from obligations for ADUFA ($2,058,256) and AGDUFA ($2,363,711) are reflected in the net carryover amount on line 1000).
The amount includes funding for FY 2022 estimated no-year reimbursements and HCFAC Wedge Agreement funding.
Amounts apportioned may not equal totals on the SF 133 due to rounding up to the next dollar. Amounts will not exceed available unobligated balances in the Unified Financial Management System for allotments.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Details on attachments are not subject to 31 USC 1517. The term "attachments" includes but is not limited to the worksheets in this excel file that accompany the SF 132 and this footnote worksheet.
Pursuant to 31 USC 1553(b), not to exceed 1 percent of total appropriation for this account is apportioned for the purpose of paying legitimate obligations related to cancelled appropriations.
The total amount apportioned may be increased for additional spending authority from offsetting collections received and for recoveries of prior year obligations by an amount not to exceed 10% of the sum of such amounts identified in the calculation of total budgetary resources available (excluding appropriations from the Medicare trust funds). The amount of such increase is to be applied to the appropriate line in the application of budgetary resources.
Amounts apportioned may not equal totals on the SF 133 due to rounding up to the next dollar. Amounts will not exceed available unobligated balances in the Unified Financial Management System for allotments.
HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-123.
HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-136.
HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-139.
HHS will inform OMB in writing five business days in advance of any deviations from FDA's activities or funding in HHS's most recent Congressional spend plan provided as required in Public Law 116-260.
Funds are available for obligation five business days after an HHS approved spend plan has been submitted to OMB.
This amount reflects the net of anticipated advance collections in FY 2021 for FY 2022 that would be available under a continuing resolution or enactment of an appropriations for FDA (see Sheet 2).
This amount reflects the net of unappropriated excess collections precluded from obligation for ADUFA ($2,058,256), AGDUFA ($2,363,711), and MDUFA ($39,912,561).
The total on line 1724 represents a net of an increase in FY 2022 of $617,834 for MDUFA (a new total of $40,530,395 which includes $20,240,978 in unappropriated excess collections and $20,289,417 for the 1-month reserve) and $78,850,895 for PDUFA unappropriated excess collections.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.