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Information Technology Systems


TAFS: 036-0167 /2022 - Information Technology Systems

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: Yes
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 5
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 6
Current OMB Action Amount
1100BA: Disc: Appropriation$4,545,800,000 $4,545,800,000
11511BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net-$7,993,000 -$7,993,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1151 (1) (Previous):

B1: Section 706 of Public Law No. 110-417 allows the transfer of funds in support of the combined DoD-VA Medical Facilities Demonstration, North Chicago facilities. VA has determined that $7,993,000 in funds will be transferred.

Footnotes for line 1151 (1) (Current):

B1: Section 706 of Public Law No. 110-417 allows the transfer of funds in support of the combined DoD-VA Medical Facilities Demonstration, North Chicago facilities. VA has determined that $7,993,000 in funds will be transferred.

11512BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net-$199,005,700 -$199,005,700See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1151 (2) (Previous):

B2: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-103, enacted on March 15, 2022, provides a limit on how much funding can be made available as two-year funds. Per the Treasury, not to exceed 2-year funding is to be apportioned through a non-expenditure transfer line 1151, instead of line 1100: $199,005,700 transferred out of 1 year and into 2 year funding; of which $42,426,450 for Pay and Administration and $156,579,250 Operations and Maintenance.

Footnotes for line 1151 (2) (Current):

B2: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-103, enacted on March 15, 2022, provides a limit on how much funding can be made available as two-year funds. Per the Treasury, not to exceed 2-year funding is to be apportioned through a non-expenditure transfer line 1151, instead of line 1100: $199,005,700 transferred out of 1 year and into 2 year funding; of which $42,426,450 for Pay and Administration and $156,579,250 Operations and Maintenance.

17401BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$117,972,000+$2,400,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$4,456,773,300+$2,400,000
60011Category A -- 1st quarter Sustainment$1,213,913,880 $1,213,913,880
60012Category A -- 1st quarter Pay/Admin$477,676,050 $477,676,050
60021Category A -- 2nd quarter Sustainment$737,409,322 $737,409,322
60022Category A -- 2nd quarter Pay/Admin$374,094,822 $374,094,822
60031Category A -- 3rd quarter Sustainment$920,061,548 $920,061,548
60032Category A -- 3rd quarter Pay/Admin$378,466,823 $378,466,823
60041Category A -- 4th quarter Sustainment$100,000,000 $100,000,000
60042Category A -- 4th quarter Pay/Admin$137,178,855 $137,178,855
6011Category B -- Reimbursements$117,972,000+$2,400,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$4,456,773,300+$2,400,000


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Section 706 of Public Law No. 110-417 allows the transfer of funds in support of the combined DoD-VA Medical Facilities Demonstration, North Chicago facilities. VA has determined that $7,993,000 in funds will be transferred.
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-103, enacted on March 15, 2022, provides a limit on how much funding can be made available as two-year funds. Per the Treasury, not to exceed 2-year funding is to be apportioned through a non-expenditure transfer line 1151, instead of line 1100: $199,005,700 transferred out of 1 year and into 2 year funding; of which $42,426,450 for Pay and Administration and $156,579,250 Operations and Maintenance.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Section 706 of Public Law No. 110-417 allows the transfer of funds in support of the combined DoD-VA Medical Facilities Demonstration, North Chicago facilities. VA has determined that $7,993,000 in funds will be transferred.
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-103, enacted on March 15, 2022, provides a limit on how much funding can be made available as two-year funds. Per the Treasury, not to exceed 2-year funding is to be apportioned through a non-expenditure transfer line 1151, instead of line 1100: $199,005,700 transferred out of 1 year and into 2 year funding; of which $42,426,450 for Pay and Administration and $156,579,250 Operations and Maintenance.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.