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Spectrum Relocation Fund


TAFS: 011-5512 /X - Spectrum Relocation Fund

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 5
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 6
OMB Action Amount
1011Unobligated bal transferred from other accounts$9,625,712+$50,445,287
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1011 (Previous):

B6: Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. This current apportionment reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $9,625,712, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.

Footnotes for line 1011 (Current):

B6: Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. Reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. This apportionment reflects additional transfers from DOD (Navy, Army, DISA) of $50,446 for non-SENSR, $1,371,976 for SENSR, and $49,022,865, for a total of $50,445,287 being returned to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $60,070,999, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.

1035Unobligated bal precluded from obl (limitation on obl)-$9,625,712-$50,445,287
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1035 (Previous):

B6: Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. This current apportionment reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $9,625,712, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.

Footnotes for line 1035 (Current):

B6: Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. Reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. This apportionment reflects additional transfers from DOD (Navy, Army, DISA) of $50,446 for non-SENSR, $1,371,976 for SENSR, and $49,022,865, for a total of $50,445,287 being returned to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $60,070,999, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.

10401Anticipated non-expenditure transfers of unob bal$0 $0
10402Anticipated non-expenditure transfers of unob bal$0 $0
1203BA: Mand: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust)$573,456,170 $573,456,170
1203SEQAppropriation (previously unavailable)$25,263,908 $25,263,908See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1203 (SEQ) (Previous):

B2: New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund were subject to sequestration of 5.7% in FY21. $25,263,908 in previously sequestered funds became available in FY 2022.

Footnotes for line 1203 (SEQ) (Current):

B2: New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund were subject to sequestration of 5.7% in FY21. $25,263,908 in previously sequestered funds became available in FY 2022.

1220BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accounts$0 $0
1221BA: Mand: Approps transferred from other accounts$0 $0
1232BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced$0 $0
1232SEQBA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced-$32,687,002 -$32,687,002See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1232 (SEQ) (Previous):

B5: New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund are subject to a sequestration rate of 5.7% in FY21. These funds will become available for obligation in FY 2023.

Footnotes for line 1232 (SEQ) (Current):

B5: New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund are subject to a sequestration rate of 5.7% in FY21. These funds will become available for obligation in FY 2023.

1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net-$566,033,076 -$566,033,076See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1251 (Previous):

B1: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted five 30 day notices of "pre-auction transfers" to Congress to transfer funds from the SRF to DOD for research and development projects associated with improving relocation and sharing arrangements related to the AWS-3 auction. The first notice was in June of 2016 for the amount of $208,905,000, the second was in November 2016 for the amount of $111,900,000, the third was in June 2017 for the amount of $56,845,000, the fourth was in September 2017 for the amount of $29,900,000, and the fifth and final was in June 2019 for the amount of $92,450,000. OMB apportioned $125,867,000 in FY 2016, $175,081,600 in FY 2017, $86,472,709 in FY 2018, $26,959,853 in FY 2019, and $55,247,844 in FY 2020, and $11,095,929 in 2021, which left a balance of $19,275,065. For 2022, DOD requested a transfer of $12,834,817, which leaves a balance of $6,440,248 left to transfer.

B3: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $693,818,540 to the Department of Defense for AWS-3 related transition expenses. The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DOD requested $195,281,715 for AWS-3 activities under the initial SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. As part of the third SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $5,727,178 for AWS-3 activities. As part of this fourth SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $51,078,862 for AWS-3 activities.

B4: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $66,661,400 to agencies with systems affected by the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) auction (i.e. DoD). The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning CBRS funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DoD has requested $19,044,450 for CBRS activities in FY 2022.

B7: Pursuant to Section 90008 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, P.L. 117-58, DOD requested a transfer of $50,000,000 for research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems or other planning activities to make the 3100-3450 MHz band available for sharing and auction.

B8: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $293,275,897 in additional transfers to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to complete its AWS-3 transition. The letter was transmitted on November 23, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before January 7, 2022. DOJ requested $52,959,040 for AWS-3 activities under this second SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. In addition, this apportionment reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the SRF to the DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology (JIST) (15X0134) for AWS-3 activities.

B9: Pursuant to statue, OMB submitted to Congress on April 30, 2021 a detailed plan describing how sums transferred from the SRF will be used to pay relocation or sharing costs of Federal entities with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz spectrum auction. Following the 30-day statutory notification period and the conclusion of a successful auction in January 2022, a total of $13,365,120,300 can be made available to the eligible Federal entitiges with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz transition. The third FY 2022 apportionment included DOD's requested initial post-auction transfer of $118,456,883, and this fourth apportionment includes an additional $58,260,140 for post auction activities.

Footnotes for line 1251 (Current):

B1: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted five 30 day notices of "pre-auction transfers" to Congress to transfer funds from the SRF to DOD for research and development projects associated with improving relocation and sharing arrangements related to the AWS-3 auction. The first notice was in June of 2016 for the amount of $208,905,000, the second was in November 2016 for the amount of $111,900,000, the third was in June 2017 for the amount of $56,845,000, the fourth was in September 2017 for the amount of $29,900,000, and the fifth and final was in June 2019 for the amount of $92,450,000. OMB apportioned $125,867,000 in FY 2016, $175,081,600 in FY 2017, $86,472,709 in FY 2018, $26,959,853 in FY 2019, and $55,247,844 in FY 2020, and $11,095,929 in 2021, which left a balance of $19,275,065. For 2022, DOD requested a transfer of $12,834,817, which leaves a balance of $6,440,248 left to transfer.

B3: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $693,818,540 to the Department of Defense for AWS-3 related transition expenses. The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DOD requested $195,281,715 for AWS-3 activities under the initial SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. As part of the third SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $5,727,178 for AWS-3 activities. As part of this fourth SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $51,078,862 for AWS-3 activities.

B4: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $66,661,400 to agencies with systems affected by the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) auction (i.e. DoD). The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning CBRS funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DoD has requested $19,044,450 for CBRS activities in FY 2022.

B7: Pursuant to Section 90008 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, P.L. 117-58, DOD requested a transfer of $50,000,000 for research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems or other planning activities to make the 3100-3450 MHz band available for sharing and auction.

B8: Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $293,275,897 in additional transfers to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to complete its AWS-3 transition. The letter was transmitted on November 23, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before January 7, 2022. DOJ requested $52,959,040 for AWS-3 activities under this second SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. In addition, this apportionment reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the SRF to the DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology (JIST) (15X0134) for AWS-3 activities.

B9: Pursuant to statue, OMB submitted to Congress on April 30, 2021 a detailed plan describing how sums transferred from the SRF will be used to pay relocation or sharing costs of Federal entities with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz spectrum auction. Following the 30-day statutory notification period and the conclusion of a successful auction in January 2022, a total of $13,365,120,300 can be made available to the eligible Federal entitiges with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz transition. The third FY 2022 apportionment included DOD's requested initial post-auction transfer of $118,456,883, and this fourth apportionment includes an additional $58,260,140 for post auction activities.

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$0 $0
6011Expenditure Transfer to DOT FAA Trust Fund$0 $0
6190Total budgetary resources available$0 $0


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted five 30 day notices of "pre-auction transfers" to Congress to transfer funds from the SRF to DOD for research and development projects associated with improving relocation and sharing arrangements related to the AWS-3 auction. The first notice was in June of 2016 for the amount of $208,905,000, the second was in November 2016 for the amount of $111,900,000, the third was in June 2017 for the amount of $56,845,000, the fourth was in September 2017 for the amount of $29,900,000, and the fifth and final was in June 2019 for the amount of $92,450,000. OMB apportioned $125,867,000 in FY 2016, $175,081,600 in FY 2017, $86,472,709 in FY 2018, $26,959,853 in FY 2019, and $55,247,844 in FY 2020, and $11,095,929 in 2021, which left a balance of $19,275,065. For 2022, DOD requested a transfer of $12,834,817, which leaves a balance of $6,440,248 left to transfer.
New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund were subject to sequestration of 5.7% in FY21. $25,263,908 in previously sequestered funds became available in FY 2022.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $693,818,540 to the Department of Defense for AWS-3 related transition expenses. The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DOD requested $195,281,715 for AWS-3 activities under the initial SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. As part of the third SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $5,727,178 for AWS-3 activities. As part of this fourth SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $51,078,862 for AWS-3 activities.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $66,661,400 to agencies with systems affected by the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) auction (i.e. DoD). The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning CBRS funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DoD has requested $19,044,450 for CBRS activities in FY 2022.
New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund are subject to a sequestration rate of 5.7% in FY21. These funds will become available for obligation in FY 2023.
Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. Reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. This apportionment reflects additional transfers from DOD (Navy, Army, DISA) of $50,446 for non-SENSR, $1,371,976 for SENSR, and $49,022,865, for a total of $50,445,287 being returned to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $60,070,999, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.
Pursuant to Section 90008 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, P.L. 117-58, DOD requested a transfer of $50,000,000 for research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems or other planning activities to make the 3100-3450 MHz band available for sharing and auction.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $293,275,897 in additional transfers to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to complete its AWS-3 transition. The letter was transmitted on November 23, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before January 7, 2022. DOJ requested $52,959,040 for AWS-3 activities under this second SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. In addition, this apportionment reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the SRF to the DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology (JIST) (15X0134) for AWS-3 activities.
Pursuant to statue, OMB submitted to Congress on April 30, 2021 a detailed plan describing how sums transferred from the SRF will be used to pay relocation or sharing costs of Federal entities with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz spectrum auction. Following the 30-day statutory notification period and the conclusion of a successful auction in January 2022, a total of $13,365,120,300 can be made available to the eligible Federal entitiges with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz transition. The third FY 2022 apportionment included DOD's requested initial post-auction transfer of $118,456,883, and this fourth apportionment includes an additional $58,260,140 for post auction activities.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted five 30 day notices of "pre-auction transfers" to Congress to transfer funds from the SRF to DOD for research and development projects associated with improving relocation and sharing arrangements related to the AWS-3 auction. The first notice was in June of 2016 for the amount of $208,905,000, the second was in November 2016 for the amount of $111,900,000, the third was in June 2017 for the amount of $56,845,000, the fourth was in September 2017 for the amount of $29,900,000, and the fifth and final was in June 2019 for the amount of $92,450,000. OMB apportioned $125,867,000 in FY 2016, $175,081,600 in FY 2017, $86,472,709 in FY 2018, $26,959,853 in FY 2019, and $55,247,844 in FY 2020, and $11,095,929 in 2021, which left a balance of $19,275,065. For 2022, DOD requested a transfer of $12,834,817, which leaves a balance of $6,440,248 left to transfer.
New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund were subject to sequestration of 5.7% in FY21. $25,263,908 in previously sequestered funds became available in FY 2022.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $693,818,540 to the Department of Defense for AWS-3 related transition expenses. The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DOD requested $195,281,715 for AWS-3 activities under the initial SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. As part of the third SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $5,727,178 for AWS-3 activities. As part of this fourth SRF apportionment for FY 2022, DOD requested another $51,078,862 for AWS-3 activities.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $66,661,400 to agencies with systems affected by the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) auction (i.e. DoD). The letter was transmitted on September 9, 2021, meaning CBRS funding may not be transferred before October 25, 2021. DoD has requested $19,044,450 for CBRS activities in FY 2022.
New budgetary resources in the Spectrum Relocation Fund are subject to a sequestration rate of 5.7% in FY21. These funds will become available for obligation in FY 2023.
Reflects actual transfer of unobligated balances totaling $12,250 from the Department of Homeland Security/CBP (70X0530) from AWS-1. Reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (15X0700) AWS-3 funding to the SRF. This current apportionment reflects additional transfers of $6,223,771 from DOD (Army, Navy, Air Force and DISA) to return non-SENSR funds to the SRF. These amounts, totaling $9,625,712, are unavailable for obligation during FY 2022.
Pursuant to Section 90008 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, P.L. 117-58, DOD requested a transfer of $50,000,000 for research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems or other planning activities to make the 3100-3450 MHz band available for sharing and auction.
Pursuant to statute, OMB submitted a 45 day notice of "subsequent transfers" to Congress of the intent to transfer no more than $293,275,897 in additional transfers to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to complete its AWS-3 transition. The letter was transmitted on November 23, 2021, meaning AWS-3 funding may not be transferred before January 7, 2022. DOJ requested $52,959,040 for AWS-3 activities under this second SRF apportionment in FY 2022 for AWS-3. In addition, this apportionment reflects a transfer of $3,389,691 from the SRF to the DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology (JIST) (15X0134) for AWS-3 activities.
Pursuant to statue, OMB submitted to Congress on April 30, 2021 a detailed plan describing how sums transferred from the SRF will be used to pay relocation or sharing costs of Federal entities with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz spectrum auction. Following the 30-day statutory notification period and the conclusion of a successful auction in January 2022, a total of $13,365,120,300 can be made available to the eligible Federal entitiges with systems affected by the 3450-3550 MHz transition. The third FY 2022 apportionment included DOD's requested initial post-auction transfer of $118,456,883, and this fourth apportionment includes an additional $58,260,140 for post auction activities.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.