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Payment to Expenses and Refunds, Inspection and Grading of Farm and 9 other accounts


TAFS: 012-0215 /2023 - Payment to Expenses and Refunds, Inspection and Grading of Farm

  • 1: 9/26/22 (this iteration)
Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1222BA: Mand:Exercised borrowing authority transferred from other accounts $2,250,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $2,250,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920:

B4: Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $2,250,000 pursuant to P.L. 113-79, Sec. 12316 as amended by PL 115-334, Sec. 12604 (7 USC 7101 note) for Wool Research, Development, and Promotion Trust Fund.

6012Category B -Expenditure transfer to 12X8100 $2,250,000
6190Total budgetary resources available $2,250,000

TAFS: 012-1600 /X - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $1,148,593,141
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $312,110,327
1230SEQBA: Mand: Appropriation Permanently Reduced -$1,710,000
1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net $30,000,000
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $159,946,459
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $1,648,939,927
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $434,856,345
6011Category B -- CCC Funded Programs $871,674,563See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6011:

A2: Unobligated balances brought forward may be obligated for the specific programs for which the unobligated balances were apportioned during the previous fiscal year. In addition, USDA may obligate these balances for a different emergency if USDA notifies OMB at least 10 business days prior to taking such action and submits an apportionment request and justification to OMB at least 3 business days prior to taking such action. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6012Category B -- Section 10202 Farm Bill National Clean Plant Network $20,396
6014Category B -- Section 12101 Animal Disease Prevention and Management $44,090,000
6015Category B - General Provision Cogongrass $2,008,692
6016Category B - Section 1001(c)(1)(2) of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) $296,289,931
6190Total budgetary resources available $1,648,939,927See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-1600 2019/2023 - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $7,933,921
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $7,933,921
6011Category B --Section 2408 Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program $7,933,921
6190Total budgetary resources available $7,933,921See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-1600 2020/2023 - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $223,637
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $223,637
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $223,637
6190Total budgetary resources available $223,637See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-1600 2022/2023 - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $2,770,827
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $2,770,827
6011Category B -- Citrus Greening HLB MAC $2,770,827
6190Total budgetary resources available $2,770,827See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-1601 /X - Buildings and Facilities

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $33,137,683
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $33,137,683
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $2,800,000
6011Category B -- General Provision Fruit Fly Rearing Facilities $30,337,683
6190Total budgetary resources available $33,137,683See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-2500 /X - Marketing Services

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $47,495,295
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $789,411,955
1222BA: Mand:Exercised borrowing authority transferred from other accounts $35,978,261See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1222:

B1: Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): pursuant to P.L. 115-334. See footnotes A4, A5, and A6.

1230SEQBA: Mand: Appropriation permanently reduced -$2,050,761
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $62,596,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $933,430,750
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $86,816,043
6011Category B--Organic Production and Market Data Initiatives $587,885See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6011:

A3: Includes carryover balances from non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $587,885 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Organic Production and Market Data Initiatives. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6012Category B-Farmers Market and Local Foods Promotion Grants $47,045,046See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6012:

A4: Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $47,045,046 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Farmers Market and Local Foods Promotion Grants plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6013Category B--Regional Partnership Grants $10,348,600See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6013:

A5: Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $10,348,600 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Regional Partnership Grants plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6014Category B--Milk Donation Program $27,033,233See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6014:

A6: Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $27,033,233 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 1404 for Milk Donation Program plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6015Category B--Hemp production program $607,521See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6015:

A7: Reflects carryover balance from non-expenditure transfer from AMS' MA&O (12X5209) $607,521 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10113 for Hemp Production Program. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6016Category B--Meat and Poultry Facilities $23,727,620See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6016:

A8: Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 764: $23,727,620 for Meat and Poultry Facilities. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6017Category B--Dairy Donation Program Supplemental $395,990,383See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6017:

A9: Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 762: $395,990,383 for the Dairy Donation Program. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6018Category B--AMS-Local Agriculture Market Program (Supplemental) $1,171,092See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6018:

A10: Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 753: $1,171,092. These funds were appropriated for the Local Agriculture Market Program established under section 210A of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1627c). [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6019Category B - Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives $23,275,252See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6019:

A11: Reflects carryover balance under P.L. 117-103: $23,275,252 authorized to carry out section 12513 of Public Law 115-334, for dairy business innovation initiatives established in Public Law 116-6. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6020Category B - School Food/Child Nutrition $316,828,075See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6020:

A12: Reflects carryover balances for School Food Nutrition: $316,828,075. These funds were authorized pursuant to section 5 of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. §714c), to promote the production and marketing of agricultural commodities, procure agricultural commodities to meet domestic requirements, or increase the domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding in the expansion of domestic markets or by developing or aiding in the development of new and additional markets, marketing facilities, and uses for such commodities. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6190Total budgetary resources available $933,430,750See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-2500 2022/2023 - Marketing Services

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $975,121
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $975,121
6011Category B: Cattle Contracts Library Pilot $975,121See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6011:

A13: Reflects carryover balances authorized under PL 117-103, SEC. 779 of $975,121 for a Cattle Contracts Library pilot program being developed by the Agricultural Marketing Service within the Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6190Total budgetary resources available $975,121See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-2501 /X - Payments to States and Possessions

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000DEDiscretionary Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $241,329
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $7,967,579
1221BA: Mand: Approps transferred from other accounts $5,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1221:

B2: Transfer $5,000,000 from 12232501 to 12X2501 as authorized by PL115-334 Title X Section 10107 (7 USC 1621).

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $13,208,908
6011Category B - Specialty Crop Legacy Grant Account $241,329
6012Category B -- Specialty Crop Block Grants Multi State Projects $11,375,216
6013Category B - Modernization Tech. Upgrade for Nat'l Organic Prog. $1,592,363
6190Total budgetary resources available $13,208,908See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-2501 /2023 - Payments to States and Possessions

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1220BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accounts -$5,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1220:

B2: Transfer $5,000,000 from 12232501 to 12X2501 as authorized by PL115-334 Title X Section 10107 (7 USC 1621).

1222BA: Mand:Exercised borrowing authority transferred from other accounts $85,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1222:

B3: Non-expenditure transfer of $85,000,000 from 12X4336 (CCC) for Specialty Crop Block Grants authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79). AMS will not use more than 3% of funds for administrative expenses to implement the program. State grantees will not use more than 8% of the funds awarded for grants for administrative expenses to implement the program.

1230SEQBA: Mand: Appropriation Permanently Reduced -$4,845,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $75,155,000
6011Category B -- Projects Specialty Crop Block Grants $75,155,000
6190Total budgetary resources available $75,155,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-4050 /X - Limitation on Inspection and Weighing Services Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $4,584,176
1232SEQBA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reduced -$2,493,009
1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $55,000,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $57,091,167
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $57,091,167
6190Total budgetary resources available $57,091,167See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-5070 /X - Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Fund

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $17,195,993
1232SEQBA: Mand: New\Unob balance of appropriations temporarily reduced -$649,116
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriation $11,388,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $27,934,877
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $27,934,877
6190Total budgetary resources available $27,934,877See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-5161 /X - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $155,824,029
1203BA: Mand: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust) $26,192,179
1232SEQMandatory Appropriation and /or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced -$33,958,719
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated Appropriation $595,767,000
1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net -$417,035,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $326,789,489
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $326,789,489
6190Total budgetary resources available $326,789,489See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-8015 /X - Miscellaneous Trust Funds

  • 1: 9/26/22 (this iteration)
Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $81,229,032
1232SEQBA: Mand: Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced -$213,750
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriation $174,679,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $255,694,282
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $255,694,282
6190Total budgetary resources available $255,694,282See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-8100 /X - Wool Research, Development, and Promotion Trust Fund

  • 1: 9/26/22 (this iteration)
Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1201BA: Mand: Appropriation (special or trust fund) $2,250,000
1232SEQBA: Mand: Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced -$128,250
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $2,121,750
6011Category B -- Wool, Research, Development & Promotion Trust Fund $2,121,750
6190Total budgetary resources available $2,121,750

TAFS: 012-8226 /X - Miscellaneous Contributed Funds

  • 1: 9/26/22 (this iteration)
Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000MEMandatory Expected - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1 $10,611,501
1203BA: Mand: Approp (previously unavail) (spec/trust) $74,955
1232SEQMandatory Appropriation and /or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced -$74,955
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated Appropriation $9,000,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $19,611,501
6001Category A -- 1st quarter $19,611,501
6190Total budgetary resources available $19,611,501See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190:

A1: The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

The attached apportionment includes unobligated balances, carried over from FY 2022, estimated receipts and anticipated spending authority from offsetting collections. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
Unobligated balances brought forward may be obligated for the specific programs for which the unobligated balances were apportioned during the previous fiscal year. In addition, USDA may obligate these balances for a different emergency if USDA notifies OMB at least 10 business days prior to taking such action and submits an apportionment request and justification to OMB at least 3 business days prior to taking such action. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Includes carryover balances from non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $587,885 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Organic Production and Market Data Initiatives. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $47,045,046 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Farmers Market and Local Foods Promotion Grants plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $10,348,600 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10102 for Regional Partnership Grants plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $27,033,233 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 1404 for Milk Donation Program plus estimated carryover balances. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balance from non-expenditure transfer from AMS' MA&O (12X5209) $607,521 pursuant to P.L. 115-334, Sec. 10113 for Hemp Production Program. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 764: $23,727,620 for Meat and Poultry Facilities. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 762: $395,990,383 for the Dairy Donation Program. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balances from PL 116-260, Div. N, General Provision 753: $1,171,092. These funds were appropriated for the Local Agriculture Market Program established under section 210A of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1627c). [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balance under P.L. 117-103: $23,275,252 authorized to carry out section 12513 of Public Law 115-334, for dairy business innovation initiatives established in Public Law 116-6. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balances for School Food Nutrition: $316,828,075. These funds were authorized pursuant to section 5 of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. §714c), to promote the production and marketing of agricultural commodities, procure agricultural commodities to meet domestic requirements, or increase the domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding in the expansion of domestic markets or by developing or aiding in the development of new and additional markets, marketing facilities, and uses for such commodities. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects carryover balances authorized under PL 117-103, SEC. 779 of $975,121 for a Cattle Contracts Library pilot program being developed by the Agricultural Marketing Service within the Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): pursuant to P.L. 115-334. See footnotes A4, A5, and A6.
Transfer $5,000,000 from 12232501 to 12X2501 as authorized by PL115-334 Title X Section 10107 (7 USC 1621).
Non-expenditure transfer of $85,000,000 from 12X4336 (CCC) for Specialty Crop Block Grants authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79). AMS will not use more than 3% of funds for administrative expenses to implement the program. State grantees will not use more than 8% of the funds awarded for grants for administrative expenses to implement the program.
Reflects non-expenditure transfer from CCC (12X4336): $2,250,000 pursuant to P.L. 113-79, Sec. 12316 as amended by PL 115-334, Sec. 12604 (7 USC 7101 note) for Wool Research, Development, and Promotion Trust Fund.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.