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Bonneville Power Administration Fund


TAFS: 089-4045 /X - Bonneville Power Administration Fund

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
Current OMB Action Amount
1000Appropriations transferred from other accounts$4,960,000 $4,960,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1000 (Previous):

B5: BPA estimates that: (1) the transition work timeline to relocation completion and comparable capability achievement of its seven operational 1755-80 MHz telecommunication systems to be relocated is 30 months and (2) the end of anticipated expenditure of funds is 30 months on five systems and up to 48 months on two systems (i.e. 13K and 3A). Consistent with the financial and planning assurances provided BPA to achieve the 1710-55 MHz spectrum relocation, all of the $5.2 million of Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) expenditure authority and cash funds included in the 6/18/2014 BPA/DOE "Transition Plan for the 1755-80 MHz Band" are and continue to be available to BPA until all of BPAs relocation work, including project and accounting close out are completed. Any unused funds and authority will be returned by BPA to the SRF consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2). Funding authority for ASW-3 radio spectrum bands relocation provided by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA, P.L. 108-494, as amended by P.L. 112-96). Transfer of funding from the Spectrum Relocation Fund for the Advanced Wireless Services 3 (AWS-3) auction, pursuant to the OMB report transmitted to Congress 6/23/2015. In accordance with 47 U.S.C. 928, as amended, amounts in the Fund from auctions of eligible frequencies (including the AWS-3 1695-1710 MHz and 1755-1780 MHz bands) are authorized to pay relocation or sharing costs of eligible Federal entities incurring such costs with respect to relocation from or sharing of those frequencies.

Footnotes for line 1000 (Current):

B5: BPA estimates that: (1) the transition work timeline to relocation completion and comparable capability achievement of its seven operational 1755-80 MHz telecommunication systems to be relocated is 30 months and (2) the end of anticipated expenditure of funds is 30 months on five systems and up to 48 months on two systems (i.e. 13K and 3A). Consistent with the financial and planning assurances provided BPA to achieve the 1710-55 MHz spectrum relocation, all of the $5.2 million of Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) expenditure authority and cash funds included in the 6/18/2014 BPA/DOE "Transition Plan for the 1755-80 MHz Band" are and continue to be available to BPA until all of BPAs relocation work, including project and accounting close out are completed. Any unused funds and authority will be returned by BPA to the SRF consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2). Funding authority for ASW-3 radio spectrum bands relocation provided by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA, P.L. 108-494, as amended by P.L. 112-96). Transfer of funding from the Spectrum Relocation Fund for the Advanced Wireless Services 3 (AWS-3) auction, pursuant to the OMB report transmitted to Congress 6/23/2015. In accordance with 47 U.S.C. 928, as amended, amounts in the Fund from auctions of eligible frequencies (including the AWS-3 1695-1710 MHz and 1755-1780 MHz bands) are authorized to pay relocation or sharing costs of eligible Federal entities incurring such costs with respect to relocation from or sharing of those frequencies.

1000AUnob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$8,289,885 $8,289,885See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1000 (A) (Previous):

B1: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act for Radio Spectrum relocation work. The funds are made available solely from the appropriation of the proceeds from the sale of Radio Spectrum frequencies and are to cover the full costs of the Radio Spectrum work. No Radio Spectrum relocation costs are to be recovered in BPA's rates or borne by BPA's ratepayers; notwithstanding that assets acquired for this purpose will be included in the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). Consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2), BPA plans to return unused expenditure authority and cash funds associated with ASW-1 Spectrum Relocation, previously provided to BPA under P.L. 108 494/108 STAT 3991, to the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) after the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has notified the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that the BPA relocation from the 1710-55MHz radio spectrum bands is complete.

Footnotes for line 1000 (A) (Current):

B1: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act for Radio Spectrum relocation work. The funds are made available solely from the appropriation of the proceeds from the sale of Radio Spectrum frequencies and are to cover the full costs of the Radio Spectrum work. No Radio Spectrum relocation costs are to be recovered in BPA's rates or borne by BPA's ratepayers; notwithstanding that assets acquired for this purpose will be included in the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). Consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2), BPA plans to return unused expenditure authority and cash funds associated with ASW-1 Spectrum Relocation, previously provided to BPA under P.L. 108 494/108 STAT 3991, to the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) after the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has notified the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that the BPA relocation from the 1710-55MHz radio spectrum bands is complete.

10231Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt -- (Bonds)-$696,000,000 -$696,000,000
10232Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt -- (Appropriations)$0 $0
1400BA: Mand: Borrowing authority$826,207,000 $826,207,000
1802SEQBA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced (sequestration)$7,441,293 $7,441,293See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1802 (SEQ) (Previous):

B3: The amount on line 1802 restores for FY 2022 the temporary reduction in New Unobligated Balances (line 1823) taken in FY 2021 as required for FY 2021 Sequestration.

Footnotes for line 1802 (SEQ) (Current):

B3: The amount on line 1802 restores for FY 2023 the temporary reduction in New Unobligated Balances (line 1823) taken in FY 2022 as required for FY 2022 Sequestration.

1823SEQBA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced (sequestration)Line added-$10,430,368
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1823 (SEQ) (Current):

B6: The amount on line 1823 is the required sequester amount in dollars assuming the program requires appropriations equal to the amount listed on line 1840. During the remainder of the fiscal year, if necessary appropriations is different from the amount listed on line 1840, the amount in dollars currently reflected on line 1823 is hereby automatically apportioned as follows: The agency will achieve the reduction by applying against line 1840, a 5.7% reduction to administrative expense obligations estimated to be incurred from the account from the beginning of the fiscal year.

1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$3,932,330,220 $3,932,330,220See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1840 (Previous):

B4: "Without fiscal year limitation, the Bonneville Power Administration continues to be authorized to incur obligations for authorized purposes and may do so in excess of borrowing authority and cash in the Bonneville Power Administration Fund." (Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1989, Act of July 19, 1988, Title V, Section 300, 102 Stat. 857, 874. P.L. No. 100-371). [That enacted bill language is found on page 197 of the BPA Statutes book of 11/02/2009]

Footnotes for line 1840 (Current):

B4: "Without fiscal year limitation, the Bonneville Power Administration continues to be authorized to incur obligations for authorized purposes and may do so in excess of borrowing authority and cash in the Bonneville Power Administration Fund." (Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1989, Act of July 19, 1988, Title V, Section 300, 102 Stat. 857, 874. P.L. No. 100-371). [That enacted bill language is found on page 197 of the BPA Statutes book of 11/02/2009]

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$4,083,228,398-$10,430,368
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Previous):

B2: Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.

Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B2: Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.

6011FY2010 P.L. 100-371$4,069,978,513-$10,430,368
6012FY2010 P.L. 108-494$8,289,885 $8,289,885See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6012 (Previous):

A1: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A).

Footnotes for line 6012 (Current):

A1: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A). [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]

6013FY2010 P.L. 108-494, as amended by P.L. 112-96$4,960,000 $4,960,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6013 (Previous):

A2: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A) as amended by P.L. 112-96 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.

Footnotes for line 6013 (Current):

A2: P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A) as amended by P.L. 112-96 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the source of funding.]

6190Total budgetary resources available$4,083,228,398-$10,430,368
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

B2: Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

B2: Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A). [Rationale: Footnote specifies the purpose(s) for which the funds are available to be obligated.]
P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A) as amended by P.L. 112-96 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. [Rationale: Footnote specifies the source of funding.]
P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act for Radio Spectrum relocation work. The funds are made available solely from the appropriation of the proceeds from the sale of Radio Spectrum frequencies and are to cover the full costs of the Radio Spectrum work. No Radio Spectrum relocation costs are to be recovered in BPA's rates or borne by BPA's ratepayers; notwithstanding that assets acquired for this purpose will be included in the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). Consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2), BPA plans to return unused expenditure authority and cash funds associated with ASW-1 Spectrum Relocation, previously provided to BPA under P.L. 108 494/108 STAT 3991, to the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) after the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has notified the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that the BPA relocation from the 1710-55MHz radio spectrum bands is complete.
Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.
The amount on line 1802 restores for FY 2023 the temporary reduction in New Unobligated Balances (line 1823) taken in FY 2022 as required for FY 2022 Sequestration.
"Without fiscal year limitation, the Bonneville Power Administration continues to be authorized to incur obligations for authorized purposes and may do so in excess of borrowing authority and cash in the Bonneville Power Administration Fund." (Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1989, Act of July 19, 1988, Title V, Section 300, 102 Stat. 857, 874. P.L. No. 100-371). [That enacted bill language is found on page 197 of the BPA Statutes book of 11/02/2009]
BPA estimates that: (1) the transition work timeline to relocation completion and comparable capability achievement of its seven operational 1755-80 MHz telecommunication systems to be relocated is 30 months and (2) the end of anticipated expenditure of funds is 30 months on five systems and up to 48 months on two systems (i.e. 13K and 3A). Consistent with the financial and planning assurances provided BPA to achieve the 1710-55 MHz spectrum relocation, all of the $5.2 million of Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) expenditure authority and cash funds included in the 6/18/2014 BPA/DOE "Transition Plan for the 1755-80 MHz Band" are and continue to be available to BPA until all of BPAs relocation work, including project and accounting close out are completed. Any unused funds and authority will be returned by BPA to the SRF consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2). Funding authority for ASW-3 radio spectrum bands relocation provided by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA, P.L. 108-494, as amended by P.L. 112-96). Transfer of funding from the Spectrum Relocation Fund for the Advanced Wireless Services 3 (AWS-3) auction, pursuant to the OMB report transmitted to Congress 6/23/2015. In accordance with 47 U.S.C. 928, as amended, amounts in the Fund from auctions of eligible frequencies (including the AWS-3 1695-1710 MHz and 1755-1780 MHz bands) are authorized to pay relocation or sharing costs of eligible Federal entities incurring such costs with respect to relocation from or sharing of those frequencies.
The amount on line 1823 is the required sequester amount in dollars assuming the program requires appropriations equal to the amount listed on line 1840. During the remainder of the fiscal year, if necessary appropriations is different from the amount listed on line 1840, the amount in dollars currently reflected on line 1823 is hereby automatically apportioned as follows: The agency will achieve the reduction by applying against line 1840, a 5.7% reduction to administrative expense obligations estimated to be incurred from the account from the beginning of the fiscal year.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A).
P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. 47 USC 928(e)(1)(A) as amended by P.L. 112-96 - Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
P.L. 108-494 - Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act for Radio Spectrum relocation work. The funds are made available solely from the appropriation of the proceeds from the sale of Radio Spectrum frequencies and are to cover the full costs of the Radio Spectrum work. No Radio Spectrum relocation costs are to be recovered in BPA's rates or borne by BPA's ratepayers; notwithstanding that assets acquired for this purpose will be included in the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). Consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2), BPA plans to return unused expenditure authority and cash funds associated with ASW-1 Spectrum Relocation, previously provided to BPA under P.L. 108 494/108 STAT 3991, to the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) after the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has notified the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that the BPA relocation from the 1710-55MHz radio spectrum bands is complete.
Total includes BPA's self-financing activites and funds for Radio Spectrum Relocation. In addition, BPA has negotiated with the US Treasury access to a $750 million short term note.
The amount on line 1802 restores for FY 2022 the temporary reduction in New Unobligated Balances (line 1823) taken in FY 2021 as required for FY 2021 Sequestration.
"Without fiscal year limitation, the Bonneville Power Administration continues to be authorized to incur obligations for authorized purposes and may do so in excess of borrowing authority and cash in the Bonneville Power Administration Fund." (Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1989, Act of July 19, 1988, Title V, Section 300, 102 Stat. 857, 874. P.L. No. 100-371). [That enacted bill language is found on page 197 of the BPA Statutes book of 11/02/2009]
BPA estimates that: (1) the transition work timeline to relocation completion and comparable capability achievement of its seven operational 1755-80 MHz telecommunication systems to be relocated is 30 months and (2) the end of anticipated expenditure of funds is 30 months on five systems and up to 48 months on two systems (i.e. 13K and 3A). Consistent with the financial and planning assurances provided BPA to achieve the 1710-55 MHz spectrum relocation, all of the $5.2 million of Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) expenditure authority and cash funds included in the 6/18/2014 BPA/DOE "Transition Plan for the 1755-80 MHz Band" are and continue to be available to BPA until all of BPAs relocation work, including project and accounting close out are completed. Any unused funds and authority will be returned by BPA to the SRF consistent with the requirements of 47USC 928 ( e) (2). Funding authority for ASW-3 radio spectrum bands relocation provided by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA, P.L. 108-494, as amended by P.L. 112-96). Transfer of funding from the Spectrum Relocation Fund for the Advanced Wireless Services 3 (AWS-3) auction, pursuant to the OMB report transmitted to Congress 6/23/2015. In accordance with 47 U.S.C. 928, as amended, amounts in the Fund from auctions of eligible frequencies (including the AWS-3 1695-1710 MHz and 1755-1780 MHz bands) are authorized to pay relocation or sharing costs of eligible Federal entities incurring such costs with respect to relocation from or sharing of those frequencies.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.