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Economic Support Fund


TAFS: 072-1037 2017/2022 - Economic Support Fund

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 8
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 9
Current OMB Action Amount
1000DADiscretionary Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$95,195,515 $95,195,515
1000DEDiscretionary Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$0 $0
10101Unob Bal: Transferred to other accounts - base$0 $0
10102Unob Bal: Transferred to other accounts - OCO-$39,487,157 -$39,487,157
10111Unob Bal (Disc.): Transferred from other accounts - base$0 $0
10112Unob Bal (Disc.): Transferred from other accounts - OCO$23,637,157 $23,637,157
10121Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired accts-Base$207,000-$207,000
10122Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired accts-OCO$0 $0
10331Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations-Base$5,240,083 $5,240,083
10332Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations-OCO$138,625,538 $138,625,538
10411Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl-Base$5,000,000 $5,000,000
10412Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl-OCO$5,000,000 $5,000,000
11311BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reduced-Base-$5,193,963 -$5,193,963
11312BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reduced-OCO-$135,722,986 -$135,722,986
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$92,501,187-$207,000
6011Unallocated funds$5,061,149-$207,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6011 (Previous):

A1: After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

Footnotes for line 6011 (Current):

A1: After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

6012Unallocated funds-OCO$5,122,408 $5,122,408See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6012 (Previous):

A1: After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

Footnotes for line 6012 (Current):

A1: After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

6013MER$23,000 $23,000
6014Syria-OCO$2,485,396 $2,485,396
6015Central America Regional-OCO$8,551,040 $8,551,040
6016USAID Bureau for Democracy, Development, and Innovation (DDI)-OCO$20,000,000 $20,000,000
6017Haiti-OCO$3,425,780 $3,425,780
6018Sudan-OCO$10,200,000 $10,200,000
6019Tunisia-OCO$33,000,000 $33,000,000
6020Colombia-OCO$1,517,750 $1,517,750
6021Colombia$982,250 $982,250
6022Haiti$207,000 $207,000
6023PRC$82,402 $82,402
6024Vietnam$604,304 $604,304
6025Burma$381,056 $381,056
6028Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization$240,372 $240,372
6026Guatemala$0 Line removed
6029Ukraine-OCO$119,489 $119,489
6030Yemen-OCO$484,778 $484,778
6031USAID Bureau for Democracy, Development, and Innovation (DDI)$13,013 $13,013
6190Total budgetary resources available$92,501,187-$207,000


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

After consultation with OMB, these funds may be allocated to other Economic Support Fund Operating Units as needed [Rationale: OMB requests additional information on programmatic spending for some or all of the apportioned funds].

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.