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TAFS: 096-3122 /X - Construction

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Account: Construction
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 5
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 6
Current OMB Action Amount
1000DADiscretionary Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$5,894,539,550 $5,894,539,550
1000DARDiscretionary Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$3,049,458,456 $3,049,458,456See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1000 (DAR) (Previous):

B1: ECONOMY ACT, CHIEF'S ECONOMY ACT, ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT ACT: Includes amounts to reimburse for ordered services initially billed against servicing element's appropriation, including orders between Corps and other Federal agencies (Economy Act, 31 USC 1535(a)), between Corps and State and Local governments (10 USC 3036 and 31 USC 6505), and between Corps offices (account adjustment statute, 31 USC 1534).

Footnotes for line 1000 (DAR) (Current):

B1: ECONOMY ACT, CHIEF'S ECONOMY ACT, ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT ACT: Includes amounts to reimburse for ordered services initially billed against servicing element's appropriation, including orders between Corps and other Federal agencies (Economy Act, 31 USC 1535(a)), between Corps and State and Local governments (10 USC 3036 and 31 USC 6505), and between Corps offices (account adjustment statute, 31 USC 1534).

1000DASDiscretionary Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$13,231,784,994 $13,231,784,994
1021Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligations$521,292,166+$347,485,293
1033Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligations$3,025,700+$1,602,153
10421Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (HMTF Pre-FY18)Line added-$1,143,256
10422Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port)) (HMTF FY18)Line added-$2,307,814
10423Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (HMTF FY19)Line added-$1,399,721
10424Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (HMTF FY20)Line added-$21,444,461
10425Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (HMTF FY21)Line added-$17,617,473
10426Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (IWTF FY18)Line added+$116,235
10427Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (IWTF FY19)Line added-$8,968,309
10428Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port)) (IWTF FY20)Line added-$47,200,778
10429Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (gf port) (IWTF FY21)Line added-$38,346,959
10431Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (HMTF Pre-FY18)Line added+$1,143,256
10432Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (HMTF FY18)Line added+$2,307,814
10433Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (HMTF FY19)Line added+$1,399,721
10434Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (HMTF FY20)Line added+$21,444,461
10435Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (HMTF FY21)Line added+$17,617,473
10436Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (IWTF FY18)Line added-$116,235
10437Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (IWTF FY19)Line added+$8,968,309
10438Unob Bal: Adj for change in allocation (oc/c port) (IWTF FY20)Line added+$47,200,778
10439Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF FY21)Line added+$38,346,959
1061Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl$734,045,012-$654,645,012
10631Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (HMTF Pre-FY18)-$4,481,026+$4,481,026
106310Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (HMTF FY18)-$4,556,239+$4,556,239
10632Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (HMTF FY19)-$11,741,229+$11,741,229
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (2) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

11001BA: Disc: Appropriation (FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10633Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (HMTF FY20)-$38,765,360+$38,765,360
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (3) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

10634Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (HMTF FY21)-$64,174,396+$64,174,396
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (4) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

10635Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (IWTF Pre-FY18)-$240,723+$240,723
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (5) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

10636Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (IWTF FY18)-$1,084+$1,084
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (6) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

11341BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation (FY22 CR and Automatic Apportionment)$0 Line removed
10637Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (IWTF FY19)-$16,228,310+$16,228,310
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (7) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

11342BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation (HMTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10638Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (IWTF FY20)-$82,461,264+$82,461,264
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (8) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

11343BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation (IWTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10639Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (gf port) (IWTF FY21)-$88,137,159+$88,137,159
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1063 (9) (Previous):

B2: The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

11531BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt (HMTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10641Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (HMTF Pre-FY18)$4,481,026-$4,481,026
11532BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt (IWTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
106410Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (HMTF FY18)$4,556,239-$4,556,239
10642Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (HMTF FY19)$11,741,229-$11,741,229
10643Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (HMTF FY20)$38,765,360-$38,765,360
1700BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected$390,495,964-$390,495,964
Line removed
10644Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (HMTF FY21)$64,174,396-$64,174,396
1701BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src-$538,023,832+$538,023,832
Line removed
10645Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF Pre-FY18)$240,723-$240,723
17401BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (HMTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10646Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF FY18)$1,084-$1,084
17402BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (IWTF FY22 CR)$0 Line removed
10647Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF FY19)$16,228,310-$16,228,310
10648Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF FY20)$82,461,264-$82,461,264
10649Unob Bal: Antic adj for change in alloc (oc port) (IWTF FY21)$88,137,159-$88,137,159
11002BA: Disc: Appropriation (FY22 CR Supplemental)$3,000,000,000 $3,000,000,000
11003BA: Disc: Appropriation (FY22 BID)$11,515,000,000 $11,515,000,000
11004BA: Disc: Appropriation (FY22 Enacted)$2,492,800,000-$97,539,000
11372BA: Disc: Approps rdc by offset coll(coll)/recpts (IWTF FY22 Enacted)Line added-$52,150,000
11533BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt (HMTF FY22 Enacted)-$97,539,000+$97,539,000
11534BA: Disc: Antic redc to apprp by offst coll/recpt (IWTF FY22 Enacted)-$72,415,000+$72,415,000
17001BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (Construction Non-Trust)Line added+$898,616,910
17002BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (HMTF FY22 Enacted)Line added+$27,163,726
17003BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (IWTF FY22 Enacted)Line added+$52,150,000
17011BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src (Construction Non-Trust)Line added+$312,596,450
17012BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src (HMTF FY22 Enacted)Line added+$70,375,274
17403BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (Construction Non-Trust)$2,507,919,868-$2,395,966,868
17404BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (HMTF FY22 Enacted)$97,539,000-$97,539,000
17405BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (IWTF FY22 Enacted)$72,415,000-$72,415,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$42,802,337,878-$1,342,783,206
6001Category A -- 1st quarter$24,902,485,764 $24,902,485,764
6002Category A -- 2nd quarter$9,297,900,230 $9,297,900,230
6003Category A -- 3rd quarter$5,864,377,068 $5,864,377,068
6004Category A -- 4th quarter$2,737,574,816-$1,342,783,206
6190Total budgetary resources available$42,802,337,878-$1,342,783,206
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A1: Of the amounts apportioned, $9,022,401,823 of the amounts provided to the Corps in this account in Title III of Division J of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58) is available for obligation immediately, and $2,592,598,177 shall be available for obligation 10 days after the Corps provides to OMB a revised spend plan with detailed project allocations.

A2: Of the amounts apportioned, the $210,545,000 in "Additional Funding" provided to the Corps in this account in the explanatory statement accompanying Title I of Division D of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Public Law 117-103) is available for obligation 10 days after the Corps provides to OMB a spend plan with detailed project allocations.


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

ECONOMY ACT, CHIEF'S ECONOMY ACT, ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT ACT: Includes amounts to reimburse for ordered services initially billed against servicing element's appropriation, including orders between Corps and other Federal agencies (Economy Act, 31 USC 1535(a)), between Corps and State and Local governments (10 USC 3036 and 31 USC 6505), and between Corps offices (account adjustment statute, 31 USC 1534).

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Of the amounts apportioned, $9,022,401,823 of the amounts provided to the Corps in this account in Title III of Division J of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58) is available for obligation immediately, and $2,592,598,177 shall be available for obligation 10 days after the Corps provides to OMB a revised spend plan with detailed project allocations.
Of the amounts apportioned, the $210,545,000 in "Additional Funding" provided to the Corps in this account in the explanatory statement accompanying Title I of Division D of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Public Law 117-103) is available for obligation 10 days after the Corps provides to OMB a spend plan with detailed project allocations.
ECONOMY ACT, CHIEF'S ECONOMY ACT, ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT ACT: Includes amounts to reimburse for ordered services initially billed against servicing element's appropriation, including orders between Corps and other Federal agencies (Economy Act, 31 USC 1535(a)), between Corps and State and Local governments (10 USC 3036 and 31 USC 6505), and between Corps offices (account adjustment statute, 31 USC 1534).
The prior year anticipated adjustment for change in allocation (general fund portion) on line 1063 reduces the discretionary unobligated balance, not reimbursable or supplemental balances, brought forward on line 1000.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.