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Military Personnel, Army


TAFS: 021-2010 /2023 - Military Personnel, Army

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 8
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 9
Current OMB Action Amount
1011Unob Bal: Transferred from other accounts$434,624,000+$134,450,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1011 (Previous):

B10: (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $166,800,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-73 IR, Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense (FCFD) Reprogramming Action $34,624,000 Transfer in.

B9: Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.

Footnotes for line 1011 (Current):

B10: (9) FY 23-17 PA transfers $134,450,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $166,800,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-73 IR, Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense (FCFD) Reprogramming Action $34,624,000 Transfer in.

B9: Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.

1100BA: Disc: Appropriation$49,672,639,000 $49,672,639,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1100 (Previous):

B1: Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.

B4: Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.

Footnotes for line 1100 (Current):

B1: Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.

B4: Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.

1121BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accounts$680,963,000 $680,963,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1121 (Previous):

B8: (8) FY 23-16 PA transfers $76,496,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $95,863,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-10 PA transfers $72,521,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (5) FY 23-10 PA transfers $283,591,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-49 IR transfers $2,300,000 in accordance with section 8119 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-10 PA transfers $383,392,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328.

B9: Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.

Footnotes for line 1121 (Current):

B8: (8) FY 23-16 PA transfers $76,496,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $95,863,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-10 PA transfers $72,521,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (5) FY 23-10 PA transfers $283,591,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-49 IR transfers $2,300,000 in accordance with section 8119 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-10 PA transfers $383,392,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328.

B9: Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.

1700BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected$11,000,000 $11,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1700 (Previous):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

Footnotes for line 1700 (Current):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

1701BA: Disc: Spending auth: Chng uncoll pymts Fed src$78,057,249 $78,057,249See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1701 (Previous):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

Footnotes for line 1701 (Current):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$91,918,751 $91,918,751See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1740 (Previous):

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

Footnotes for line 1740 (Current):

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

1800BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected$40,400,000 $40,400,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1800 (Previous):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

Footnotes for line 1800 (Current):

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$120,900,000 $120,900,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1840 (Previous):

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

Footnotes for line 1840 (Current):

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$51,130,502,000+$134,450,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Previous):

B1: Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.

B4: Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B1: Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.

B4: Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.

B5: Actual amounts per November SF-133.

B6: Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).

B7: Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.

6002Category A -- 2nd quarter$10,755,280,035 $10,755,280,035
6003Category A -- 3rd quarter$11,399,075,835 $11,399,075,835
6004Category A -- 4th quarter$11,815,587,000+$134,450,000
6011Lump Sum$16,818,283,130 $16,818,283,130
6012Reimbursable$342,276,000 $342,276,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$51,130,502,000+$134,450,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A3: A classified attachment displaying the apportionment of specific classified programs within the amount displayed may be included. All documents associated with this apportionment are unclassified except for the Classified Attachment. The classified apportionment shall be allotted in full and executed without change. Such apportionment shall remain valid during the fiscal year until such time as a reapportionment of such classified apportionment is required. Allotments shall be made no later than 30 days after OMB signs the apportionment or the start of the subsequent calendar month, whichever is later. [Rationale: Footnote informs that there may be a classified attachment, and provides other related requirements concerning allotments.]

A4: Reimbursable authority up to the level of orders for reimbursable support in response to COVID-19 is hereby automatically apportioned without further OMB action. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

A3: A classified attachment displaying the apportionment of specific classified programs within the amount displayed may be included. All documents associated with this apportionment are unclassified except for the Classified Attachment. The classified apportionment shall be allotted in full and executed without change. Such apportionment shall remain valid during the fiscal year until such time as a reapportionment of such classified apportionment is required. Allotments shall be made no later than 30 days after OMB signs the apportionment or the start of the subsequent calendar month, whichever is later. [Rationale: Footnote informs that there may be a classified attachment, and provides other related requirements concerning allotments.]

A4: Reimbursable authority up to the level of orders for reimbursable support in response to COVID-19 is hereby automatically apportioned without further OMB action. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

A classified attachment displaying the apportionment of specific classified programs within the amount displayed may be included. All documents associated with this apportionment are unclassified except for the Classified Attachment. The classified apportionment shall be allotted in full and executed without change. Such apportionment shall remain valid during the fiscal year until such time as a reapportionment of such classified apportionment is required. Allotments shall be made no later than 30 days after OMB signs the apportionment or the start of the subsequent calendar month, whichever is later. [Rationale: Footnote informs that there may be a classified attachment, and provides other related requirements concerning allotments.]
Reimbursable authority up to the level of orders for reimbursable support in response to COVID-19 is hereby automatically apportioned without further OMB action. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.
Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.
Actual amounts per November SF-133.
Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).
Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.
(8) FY 23-16 PA transfers $76,496,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $95,863,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-10 PA transfers $72,521,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (5) FY 23-10 PA transfers $283,591,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-49 IR transfers $2,300,000 in accordance with section 8119 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-10 PA transfers $383,392,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328.
Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.
(9) FY 23-17 PA transfers $134,450,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $166,800,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-73 IR, Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense (FCFD) Reprogramming Action $34,624,000 Transfer in.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

A classified attachment displaying the apportionment of specific classified programs within the amount displayed may be included. All documents associated with this apportionment are unclassified except for the Classified Attachment. The classified apportionment shall be allotted in full and executed without change. Such apportionment shall remain valid during the fiscal year until such time as a reapportionment of such classified apportionment is required. Allotments shall be made no later than 30 days after OMB signs the apportionment or the start of the subsequent calendar month, whichever is later. [Rationale: Footnote informs that there may be a classified attachment, and provides other related requirements concerning allotments.]
Reimbursable authority up to the level of orders for reimbursable support in response to COVID-19 is hereby automatically apportioned without further OMB action. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
Funds provided by P.L. 117-180 in the amount of $110,107,000 signed by the President September 30, 2022.
Funds provided by P.L. 117-328, Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 in the amount of $49,628,305,000.00 PLUS Division M in the amount of $54,252,000.00 MINUS Sec. 8122 in the amount of -$120,025,000.00 for a total of $49,562,532,000.00 signed by the President December 29, 2022.
Actual amounts per November SF-133.
Apportioned anticipated budgetary resources, once realized, do not need to be reapportioned unless the amount realized exceeds the conditions on the total amount apportioned (OMB Circular A-11 sections 120.49).
Total reimbursable authority on lines 1700-1740 (Discretionary reimbursable) plus lines 1800-1840 (Mandatory reimbursable) matches reimbursable authority identified in P.L. 117-328.
(8) FY 23-16 PA transfers $76,496,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $95,863,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-10 PA transfers $72,521,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (5) FY 23-10 PA transfers $283,591,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-49 IR transfers $2,300,000 in accordance with section 8119 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (4) FY 23-10 PA transfers $383,392,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328.
Technical correction for FY 23-10 PA, $233,200,000 should have come in as an unobligated balance transfer instead of an appropriation transfer.
(7) FY 23-14 PA transfers $166,800,000 in accordance with section 8005 of division C of P.L. 117-328. (7) FY 23-73 IR, Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense (FCFD) Reprogramming Action $34,624,000 Transfer in.

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  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.