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Farm Security and Rural Investment Programs


TAFS: 012-1004 /2024 - Farm Security and Rural Investment Programs

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: Yes
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
Current OMB Action Amount
1222BA: Mand: Exercised borrow auth xfer from oth acctLine added+$5,000,000
1230SEQBA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps perm reduced-$285,000 -$285,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1230 (SEQ) (Previous):

B1: The amount shown on line 1230 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on lines 1230 and 1251. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amounts shown on line 1230 and 1251, then the amount shown on line 1230 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.

Footnotes for line 1230 (SEQ) (Current):

B1: The amount shown on line 1230 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on lines 1230 and 1251. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amounts shown on line 1230 and 1251, then the amount shown on line 1230 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.

1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net$5,000,000+$12,500,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1251 (Previous):

B4: The amount will be transferred from the Commodity Credit Corporation as authorized under Sections 4(j) and (l) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.

Footnotes for line 1251 (Current):

B4: The amount will be transferred from the Commodity Credit Corporation as authorized under Sections 4(j) and (l) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$4,715,000+$17,500,000
6011Agricultural Management Assistance (Financial Assistance)$3,678,000 $3,678,000
6012Agricultural Management Assistance (Technical Assistance)$1,037,000 $1,037,000
6014Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive ProgramLine added+$10,000,000
6015Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot ProgramLine added+$7,500,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$4,715,000+$17,500,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A1: To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, and contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

A1: To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, and contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, and contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
The amount shown on line 1230 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on lines 1230 and 1251. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amounts shown on line 1230 and 1251, then the amount shown on line 1230 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.
The amount will be transferred from the Commodity Credit Corporation as authorized under Sections 4(j) and (l) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be increased or decreased for actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, and contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources without further action by OMB. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
The amount shown on line 1230 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on lines 1230 and 1251. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amounts shown on line 1230 and 1251, then the amount shown on line 1230 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.
The amount shown on line 1230 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on lines 1230 and 1200. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amounts shown on line 1230 and 1200, then the amount shown on line 1230 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.
The amount shown on line 1232 (line split ""SEQ"") is the required sequestration amount assuming that the mandatory appropriation is equal to the amounts shown on line 1251. If the appropriation is different from the total of the amount shown on line 1251, then the amount shown on line 1232 is automatically apportioned so as to reflect 5.7 percent of the total FY 2024 appropriation. Because of the indefinite nature of this authority, the sequestered amount may not be equal to the amount reflected in the OMB Report to the Congress on the BBEDCA 251A Sequestration for Fiscal Year 2024 dated March 13, 2023.
The amount will be transferred from the Commodity Credit Corporation as authorized under Sections 4(j) and (l) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.
USDA will expand the soil carbon sampling efforts piloted on CRP contracts to also include NRCS working lands programs. To the extent practicable, NRCS soil scientists will work with partners and USDA research agencies to apply sampling protocols and the agency will train employees on proper sampling techniques. As the effort moves forward, NRCS will be directly involved in sampling efforts through coordination with partners, both to help build trust between partners and landowners, and to ensure field staff can gain exposure to the sampling process. To ensure this coordination, NRCS commits to work with FSA/the partners to achieve alignment between NRCS's 3rd planned site visit and a partner sampling visit. NRCS will further coordinate with the partners throughout the agreement to share information and coordinate additional visits when feasible for NRCS. Additionally, within 3 years, NRCS will be able to take the lead on the soil carbon sampling effort. This will still require coordination with partners, both on the ground and for analysis/ reporting, but NRCS will work to expand its capacity to manage the sampling effort and to expand its monitoring capacity. This can be achieved through investments in technical assistance, training, and partnerships over the next 3 years.
In the event of a FY 2024 continuing resolution (CR), the OMB CR Bulletin will automatically apportion this TAFS to preclude from obligation the amount listed in Attachment C of the Bulletin for this TAFS pursuant to section 123.8 of Circular A-11. This preclusion will only apply during the period of the CR. This TAFS will be reapportioned when a full-year FY 2024 appropriations Act is enacted and will show a transfer to FPAC if transfer language is included in the Act.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.