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Salaries and Expenses


TAFS: 024-0100 /2024 - Salaries and Expenses

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 3
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 4
OMB Action Amount
1100BA: Disc: Appropriation$203,260,000 $203,260,000
1121BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accounts$192,975,000 $192,975,000
1134BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation$0 $0
1135BA: Disc: Approp precluded from ob (spec/trust)$0 $0
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$109,989,779 $109,989,779See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1740 (Previous):

B1: Represents $33.4M of "Common Service financing" consisting of $33'.4M Revolving Fund. In addition, represents $76.5 M in category B Advances and Reimbursements (A&R) costs consisting of f $3.8M ($1.2M-DHS, $2.0M-DOD) for SSCLOB partners anticipated resources period of availability, $49M for DCSA IT Support Services, $3M for HALOB, and $13.5M for FEBs. Lastly represents $7.2M of various category A A&R for costs.

Footnotes for line 1740 (Current):

B1: Represents $33.4M of "Common Service financing" consisting of $33'.4M Revolving Fund. In addition, represents $76.5 M in category B Advances and Reimbursements (A&R) costs consisting of f $3.8M ($1.2M-DHS, $2.0M-DOD) for SSCLOB partners anticipated resources period of availability, $49M for DCSA IT Support Services, $3M for HALOB, and $13.5M for FEBs. Lastly represents $7.2M of various category A A&R for costs.

1811BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts$110,030,394+$2,100,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1811 (Previous):

B2: Represents $9.7M of Program Administrator and OPM administrative costs within the FSAFEDS program, $110M for Trust Fund Mandatory accounts.

Footnotes for line 1811 (Current):

B2: Represents $11.8M of Program Administrator and OPM administrative costs within the FSAFEDS program, $110M for Trust Fund Mandatory accounts.

1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$616,255,173+$2,100,000
6001Category A -- 1st quarter$109,262,414 $109,262,414
6002Category A -- 2nd quarter$108,189,141 $108,189,141
6003Category A -- 3rd quarter$143,104,557 $143,104,557
6004Category A -- 4th quarter$76,320,889 $76,320,889
6011(5) U.S.C. 8348(a)(1)(B)$82,481,876 $82,481,876
6012Long Term Care$1,530,901 $1,530,901
6013FERCCA$1,377,752 $1,377,752
6014Dental and Vision (PL 108-496)$14,939,864 $14,939,864
6017FSAFEDs program administrator fee offset$8,500,000 $8,500,000
6018FSAFEDs administration$1,200,000+$2,100,000
6019SSCLOB$3,800,000 $3,800,000
6021DCSA IT Support Services$49,047,779 $49,047,779
6022Hiring Assessment Line of Business$3,000,000 $3,000,000
6023Federal Executive Boards (FEBs)$13,500,000 $13,500,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$616,255,173+$2,100,000


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Represents $33.4M of "Common Service financing" consisting of $33'.4M Revolving Fund. In addition, represents $76.5 M in category B Advances and Reimbursements (A&R) costs consisting of f $3.8M ($1.2M-DHS, $2.0M-DOD) for SSCLOB partners anticipated resources period of availability, $49M for DCSA IT Support Services, $3M for HALOB, and $13.5M for FEBs. Lastly represents $7.2M of various category A A&R for costs.
Represents $11.8M of Program Administrator and OPM administrative costs within the FSAFEDS program, $110M for Trust Fund Mandatory accounts.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Represents $33.4M of "Common Service financing" consisting of $33'.4M Revolving Fund. In addition, represents $76.5 M in category B Advances and Reimbursements (A&R) costs consisting of f $3.8M ($1.2M-DHS, $2.0M-DOD) for SSCLOB partners anticipated resources period of availability, $49M for DCSA IT Support Services, $3M for HALOB, and $13.5M for FEBs. Lastly represents $7.2M of various category A A&R for costs.
Represents $9.7M of Program Administrator and OPM administrative costs within the FSAFEDS program, $110M for Trust Fund Mandatory accounts.

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  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.