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Office of the Inspector General


TAFS: 016-0106 /X - Office of the Inspector General

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: Yes
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 2
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 3
Current OMB Action Amount
1000AUnob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1, Actual$9,974,283 $9,974,283See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1000 (A) (Previous):

B1: Apportioned funds per P.L. 115-123 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.

B2: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-20 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, be transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.

B3: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $25,000,000 to carry out audits, investigations, and other oversight activities of Unemployment Insurance authorized under the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) that are related to the provisions of, and amendments made by, this subtitle, to remain available without fiscal year limitation.

B4: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $1,000,000, to remain available until expended, for oversight of activities related to Public Law 116–127 and for oversight activities supported with funds appropriated to the Department of Labor to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.

B5: Apportioned funds per P.L. 117-328 that provided up to $2,000,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Office of Inspector General single-year “General Fund” account to the Office of Inspector General no-year account.

Footnotes for line 1000 (A) (Current):

B1: Apportioned funds per P.L. 115-123 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.

B2: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-20 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, be transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.

B3: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $25,000,000 to carry out audits, investigations, and other oversight activities of Unemployment Insurance authorized under the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) that are related to the provisions of, and amendments made by, this subtitle, to remain available without fiscal year limitation.

B4: Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $1,000,000, to remain available until expended, for oversight of activities related to Public Law 116–127 and for oversight activities supported with funds appropriated to the Department of Labor to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.

B5: Apportioned funds per P.L. 117-328 that provided up to $2,000,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Office of Inspector General single-year “General Fund” account to the Office of Inspector General no-year account.

1000EUnob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1, Estimated$0 $0
1011Unob Bal: Transferred from other accountsLine added $0
1012Unob Bal: Transfers betw expired\unexpired acctsLine added $0
1020Unob Bal: Adj to SOY bal brought forward, Oct 1Line added $0
1021Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligationsLine added $0
1032Unob Bal: Refunds/recov temp precl ob (spec/trust)Line added $0
1033Unob Bal: Recov of prior year paid obligationsLine added $0
1040Unob Bal: Antic nonexpenditure transfers (net)Line added $0
1041Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd oblLine added $0
1100BA: Disc: AppropriationLine added $0
1101BA: Disc: Appropriation (special or trust fund)Line added $0
1120BA: Disc: Approps transferred to other accountsLine added $0
1121BA: Disc: Approps transferred from other accountsLine added+$2,000,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1121 (Current):

B8: The OIG transferred $2,000,000 in General Funds from the single-year account to the no-year account, as authorized by P.L. 118-47.

1130BA: Disc: Appropriations permanently reducedLine added $0
1131BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps permanently reducedLine added $0
1132BA: Disc: Appropriations temporarily reducedLine added $0
1133BA: Disc: Unob bal of approps temporarily reducedLine added $0
1134BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligationLine added $0
1150BA: Disc: Anticipated appropriationLine added $0
1151BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans net$2,000,000-$2,000,000
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1151 (Previous):

B6: The OIG is requesting to transfer $2,000,000 in General Funds from the single-year account to the no-year account, as authorized by P.L. 118-47.

1170BA: Disc: Advance appropriationLine added $0
1171BA: Disc: Adv approp (special or trust fund)Line added $0
1173BA: Disc: Advance approps permanently reducedLine added $0
1174BA: Disc: Advance approps temporarily reducedLine added $0
1200BA: Mand: AppropriationLine added $0
1201BA: Mand: Appropriation (special or trust fund)Line added $0
1203BA: Mand: Appropriation (previously unavailable)Line added $0
1220BA: Mand: Approps transferred to other accountsLine added $0
1221BA: Mand: Approps transferred from other accountsLine added $0
1230BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps perm reducedLine added $0
1232BA: Mand: New\Unob bal of approps temp reducedLine added $0
1234BA: Mand: Appropriations precluded from obligationLine added $0
1250BA: Mand: Anticipated appropriationLine added $0
1251BA: Mand: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans netLine added $0
1270BA: Mand: Advance appropriationLine added $0
1271BA: Mand: Adv appropriation(special or trust fund)Line added $0
1272BA: Mand: Advance approps permanently reducedLine added $0
1273BA: Mand: Advance approps temporarily reducedLine added $0
1700BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected (Reimbursable)$0+$170,000
1710BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans to other accountsLine added $0
1711BA: Disc: Spending auth: Trans from other accountsLine added $0
1722BA: Disc: Spending auth: Permanently reducedLine added $0
1723BA: Disc: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reducedLine added $0
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic colls, reimbs, other (Reimbursable)$170,000-$72,576
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1740 (Current):

B9: The OIG is requesting additional reimbursable authority as follows: $30,000 from CIGIE (Integrity Committee Review); $27,424 from DOJ (FY24 Regional Coordinator Travel); $25,000 from DOJ (DOL OIG operational travel funding; and $15,000 from DOJ (IOC-2 travel).

1741BA: Disc: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net$0 $0
1800BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected$0 $0
1802BA: Mand: Spending auth: Previously unavailable$0 $0
1810BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans to other accounts$0 $0
1811BA: Mand: Spending auth: Trans from other accounts$0 $0
1822BA: Mand: Spending auth: Permanently reduced$0 $0
1823BA: Mand: Spending auth: New\Unob bal temp reduced$0 $0
1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$0 $0
1841BA: Mand: Spending auth: Antic nonexpend trans net$0 $0
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$12,144,283+$97,424
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Previous):

B7: Pursuant to section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11, one or more lines in the Budgetary Resources section may be rounded up. As a result, those rounded lines will not match the actuals reported on the SF-133. Agency will ensure that its funds control system will only allot actuals.

Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B7: Pursuant to section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11, one or more lines in the Budgetary Resources section may be rounded up. As a result, those rounded lines will not match the actuals reported on the SF-133. Agency will ensure that its funds control system will only allot actuals.

6001Category A -- 1st quarter$0 $0
6002Category A -- 2nd quarter$0 $0
6003Category A -- 3rd quarter$85,000 $85,000
6004Category A -- 4th quarter$85,000+$97,424
6012Disaster Funding - P.L. 115-123$50,969 $50,969
6013Disaster Funding - P.L. 116-20$45,174 $45,174
6014COVID Transfer UI - P.L. 116-136$8,328,508 $8,328,508
6015COVID Transfer Non-UI - P.L. 116-136$549,632 $549,632
6016OIG General Funds Transfer$3,000,000 $3,000,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$12,144,283+$97,424


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Apportioned funds per P.L. 115-123 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-20 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, be transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $25,000,000 to carry out audits, investigations, and other oversight activities of Unemployment Insurance authorized under the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) that are related to the provisions of, and amendments made by, this subtitle, to remain available without fiscal year limitation.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $1,000,000, to remain available until expended, for oversight of activities related to Public Law 116–127 and for oversight activities supported with funds appropriated to the Department of Labor to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 117-328 that provided up to $2,000,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Office of Inspector General single-year “General Fund” account to the Office of Inspector General no-year account.
Pursuant to section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11, one or more lines in the Budgetary Resources section may be rounded up. As a result, those rounded lines will not match the actuals reported on the SF-133. Agency will ensure that its funds control system will only allot actuals.
The OIG transferred $2,000,000 in General Funds from the single-year account to the no-year account, as authorized by P.L. 118-47.
The OIG is requesting additional reimbursable authority as follows: $30,000 from CIGIE (Integrity Committee Review); $27,424 from DOJ (FY24 Regional Coordinator Travel); $25,000 from DOJ (DOL OIG operational travel funding; and $15,000 from DOJ (IOC-2 travel).

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Apportioned funds per P.L. 115-123 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-20 that provided up to $500,000, to remain available until expended, be transferred from Employment and Training Administration to ''Office of Inspector General'' for oversight of activities responding to such hurricanes and wildfires.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $25,000,000 to carry out audits, investigations, and other oversight activities of Unemployment Insurance authorized under the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) that are related to the provisions of, and amendments made by, this subtitle, to remain available without fiscal year limitation.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 116-136 that provided $1,000,000, to remain available until expended, for oversight of activities related to Public Law 116–127 and for oversight activities supported with funds appropriated to the Department of Labor to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
Apportioned funds per P.L. 117-328 that provided up to $2,000,000, to remain available until expended, transferred from Office of Inspector General single-year “General Fund” account to the Office of Inspector General no-year account.
The OIG is requesting to transfer $2,000,000 in General Funds from the single-year account to the no-year account, as authorized by P.L. 118-47.
Pursuant to section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11, one or more lines in the Budgetary Resources section may be rounded up. As a result, those rounded lines will not match the actuals reported on the SF-133. Agency will ensure that its funds control system will only allot actuals.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.