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Innovation and Improvement


TAFS: 091-0204 /2024 - Innovation and Improvement

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
Current OMB Action Amount
1000DADiscretionary Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$0 $0
1000DEDiscretionary Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$0 $0
1000MAMandatory Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$0 $0
1000MEMandatory Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$0 $0
10231Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt (to Treasury)$0 $0
10232Unob Bal: Applied to repay debt (to FFB)$0 $0
11001BA: Disc: Appropriation - Other, Realized$804,084,000+$140,000,000
11002BA: Disc: Appropriation - Loan Subsidy$0 $0
11003BA: Disc: Appropriation - Loan Admin Expenses, Definite$0 $0
1151BA: Disc: Appropriations:Antic nonexpend trans netLine added-$33,968,973
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1151 (Current):

B1: Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, of the $440,000,000 appropriated for Charter Schools Grants, up to $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), to remain available for obligation through March 31, 2025. The previously approved apportionment incorrectly stated that exactly $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), and these funds were incorrectly apportioned in full directly to 91 24/25 0204. This apportionment request apportions the $140,000,000 maximum for section 4305(b) to 91 24 0204 and, of those funds, transfers $33,968,973, the amount needed to carry out section 4305(b), to 91 24/25 0204.

1134BA: Disc: Appropriations precluded from obligation$0 Line removed
12001BA: Mand: Appropriation$0 $0
12002BA: Mand: Appropriation - Loan Subsidy$0 $0
12003BA: Mand: Appropriation - Loan Subsidy Reestimate$0 $0
12004BA: Mand: Appropriation - Loan Modification Adj Transfer$0 $0
12005BA: Mand: Appropriation - Indefinite Authority withdrawn$0 $0
14001BA: Mand: Borrowing authority realized$0 $0
14002BA: Mand: Borrowing authority decreased$0 $0
17001BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected, Reimb & Other Income$0 $0
17002BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected, Non-fed, refunds$0 $0
17003BA: Disc: Spending auth: Collected, Fed, loan subsidies$0 $0
17401BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (IAAs)$0 $0
17402BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (Non-Fed)$0 $0
17403BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (Fed)$0 $0
18001BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected, Reimb & Other Income$0 $0
18002BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected, Non-fed, refundsLine added $0
18003BA: Mand: Spending auth: Collected, Fed, loan subsidiesLine added $0
18201BA: Mand: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund, CY Liq AcctLine added $0
18202BA: Mand: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund, DL MATLine added $0
18203BA: Mand: Spending auth: Cap trans to general fund, FFEL MATLine added $0
18251BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt (CY, Treasury)Line added $0
18252BA: Mand: Spending auth: Applied to repay debt (CY, FFB)Line added $0
18401BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (IAAs)Line added $0
18402BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (Non-Fed)Line added $0
18403BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other (Fed)Line added $0
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$804,084,000+$106,031,027
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Previous):

B1: Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, of the $440,000,000 appropriated for Charter Schools Grants, $300,000,000 is available through September 30, 2024; of these funds, the Department must use not less than $60,000,000 to carry out ESEA section 4304, of which not more than $16,000,000 to carry out the activities in section 4305(a)(3). Additionally, $140,000,000 is available through March 31, 2025 (reflected in the 91 24/25 0204 apportionment request) to carry out section 4305(b).

B2: Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, not less than $8,000,000 of the funds available for Arts in Education must be used for continuation grants for eligible national nonprofit organizations, as described in the Applications for New Awards; Assistance for Arts Education Program published in the Federal Register on May 31, 2022, for activities described under section 4642(a)(1)(C).

Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B1: Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, of the $440,000,000 appropriated for Charter Schools Grants, up to $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), to remain available for obligation through March 31, 2025. The previously approved apportionment incorrectly stated that exactly $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), and these funds were incorrectly apportioned in full directly to 91 24/25 0204. This apportionment request apportions the $140,000,000 maximum for section 4305(b) to 91 24 0204 and, of those funds, transfers $33,968,973, the amount needed to carry out section 4305(b), to 91 24/25 0204.

B2: Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, not less than $8,000,000 of the funds available for Arts in Education must be used for continuation grants for eligible national nonprofit organizations, as described in the Applications for New Awards; Assistance for Arts Education Program published in the Federal Register on May 31, 2022, for activities described under section 4642(a)(1)(C).

6011Teacher and School Leader Incentive Grants$60,000,000 $60,000,000
6100Undistributed$0 Line removed
6018Charter schools grants$300,000,000+$106,031,027
6021Magnet schools assistance$139,000,000 $139,000,000
6025Ready to learn programming$31,000,000 $31,000,000
6035Arts in education$36,500,000 $36,500,000
6042American History and Civics Education$23,000,000 $23,000,000
6043Supporting effective educator development$90,000,000 $90,000,000
6044Javits gifted and talented education$16,500,000 $16,500,000
6045Statewide family engagement centers$20,000,000 $20,000,000
6046Congressionally directed spending$88,084,000 $88,084,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$804,084,000+$106,031,027


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, of the $440,000,000 appropriated for Charter Schools Grants, up to $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), to remain available for obligation through March 31, 2025. The previously approved apportionment incorrectly stated that exactly $140,000,000 is available to carry out section 4305(b), and these funds were incorrectly apportioned in full directly to 91 24/25 0204. This apportionment request apportions the $140,000,000 maximum for section 4305(b) to 91 24 0204 and, of those funds, transfers $33,968,973, the amount needed to carry out section 4305(b), to 91 24/25 0204.
Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, not less than $8,000,000 of the funds available for Arts in Education must be used for continuation grants for eligible national nonprofit organizations, as described in the Applications for New Awards; Assistance for Arts Education Program published in the Federal Register on May 31, 2022, for activities described under section 4642(a)(1)(C).

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, of the $440,000,000 appropriated for Charter Schools Grants, $300,000,000 is available through September 30, 2024; of these funds, the Department must use not less than $60,000,000 to carry out ESEA section 4304, of which not more than $16,000,000 to carry out the activities in section 4305(a)(3). Additionally, $140,000,000 is available through March 31, 2025 (reflected in the 91 24/25 0204 apportionment request) to carry out section 4305(b).
Pursuant to P.L. 118-47, not less than $8,000,000 of the funds available for Arts in Education must be used for continuation grants for eligible national nonprofit organizations, as described in the Applications for New Awards; Assistance for Arts Education Program published in the Federal Register on May 31, 2022, for activities described under section 4642(a)(1)(C).

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.