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Food Supply Chain and Agriculture Pandemic Response Program Acco and 1 other account


TAFS: 012-0408 /X - Food Supply Chain and Agriculture Pandemic Response Program Acco

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
OMB Action Amount
1000MEMandatory Estimate - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1$5,736,952-$5,736,952
1000DEDiscretionary Estimate - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 2$3,000,000-$3,000,000
1000MAMandatory Actual - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 1Line added+$5,577,669
1000DADiscretionary Actual - Unob Bal: Brought forward, October 2Line added+$3,000,000
1021Unob Bal: Recov of prior year unpaid obligationsLine added+$19,068,304
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$8,736,952+$18,909,021
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B1: 12X0408, 12X4391: Amounts on this apportionment are rounded up to ensure apportioned amounts reflect actual resources available per section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11. As a result, amounts shown as budgetary resources may be lower than actual amounts reported on the SF-133.

6023Food Supply Chain and Pandemic Response$1,281,805-$1,281,805
6030Food Bank Network$3,314+$1
6031Food Processing Supply Chain Loan Guarantees$2,894,444-$2,894,444
6033Administrative expenses- Food Processing Supply Chain Loan Guarantees Program$0+$2,894,445
6037Meat & Poultry Processing Capacity - Technical Assistance$1,592+$1
6038LFPP and RFSP Grant Augmentation for Farm to Institution$208,692+$1
6041Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production$194,734-$194,734
6042Food Loss and Waste - National Strategy$0+$25,718
6046People's Garden Initiative$4,489+$26,088
6047Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production - FY 2022$0 $0
6049GusNIP Produce Prescription Project FY 2021 Meritorious Grants$0 $0
6051GusNIP Produce Prescription FY22 Grants$500,000+$387,791
6052Operation Formula FlyLine added $0
6059American Samoa$429,481-$429,481
6062National School Lunch Equipment Grant$10,734+$22,970
6063Urban and Innovative Agriculture Community-Based Organization Fund$0 $0
6064Interest on reestimates of loan guarantee subsidy$207,667-$207,667
6065Oversight and Management for Program ImplementationLine added+$3,200,137
6066Competitive Food Systems Infrastructure (CFSI) Investment Program$0 $0
6067Technical Capacity Partnership AgreementsLine added+$1,500,000
6075Local Meat Capacity Grant (MCap)$0 $0
6076Disc: Meat & Poultry Processing Expansion Program- GP 755$3,000,000 $3,000,000
6170Apportioned in FY 2026 - Oversight and Maintenance Program ImplementationLine added+$6,280,000
6171Apportioned in FY 2027 - Oversight and Maintenance Program ImplementationLine added+$6,280,000
6172Apportioned in FY 2028 - Oversight and Maintenance Program ImplementationLine added+$3,300,000
6190Total budgetary resources available$8,736,952+$18,909,021
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A1: 12X0408. This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

A1: This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

TAFS: 012-4391 /X - Food Supply Chain and Agriculture Pandemic Response Guaranteed L

Adjustment authority: Yes
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionIteration 1
Previously Approved Amount
Iteration 2
OMB Action Amount
1000MAMandatory Actual - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1Line added+$48,035,428
1000MEMandatory Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1$47,505,800-$47,505,800
1840BA: Mand: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other$2,987,444-$2,894,444
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.)$50,493,244-$2,364,816
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 1920 (Previous):

B1: 12X4391 Amounts on this apportionment are rounded up to ensure apportioned amounts reflect actual resources available per section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11. As a result, amounts shown as budgetary resources may be lower than actual amounts reported on the SF-133.

Footnotes for line 1920 (Current):

B1: 12X0408, 12X4391: Amounts on this apportionment are rounded up to ensure apportioned amounts reflect actual resources available per section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11. As a result, amounts shown as budgetary resources may be lower than actual amounts reported on the SF-133.

6015Interest to Treasury$5,000 $5,000
6017Default claims on guaranteed loans$37,000,000 $37,000,000
6182Budgetary Resources: Unappor bal, revolving fnd$13,488,244-$2,364,816
6190Total budgetary resources available$50,493,244-$2,364,816
See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6190 (Previous):

A2: 12X4391. This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

Footnotes for line 6190 (Current):

A1: This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]

8200Program Level, Unused from prior years$45,798,179-$45,798,179
8211Application, Category B, Guaranteed loan program$45,798,179-$45,798,179


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
12X0408, 12X4391: Amounts on this apportionment are rounded up to ensure apportioned amounts reflect actual resources available per section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11. As a result, amounts shown as budgetary resources may be lower than actual amounts reported on the SF-133.

The following are all of the footnotes associated with the previous iteration of this file. Note that previous iterations of accounts in this file may come from multiple previous files.

12X0408. This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
12X4391. This apportionment provides actual unobligated balances carried over from FY 2024. To the extent authorized by law, these amounts may be adjusted for indefinite appropriations, actual unobligated balances, actual recoveries of prior year obligations, actual reimbursements earned, including reimbursements and offsetting collections from non-Federal/Federal sources, contributions from non-Federal/Federal sources, and release of contingency funds. Transfer of funds authorized by law to or from any of the accounts listed may be made without further action by OMB. This apportionment also makes available interest payments to Treasury on borrowings and capitalized costs. [Rationale: Footnote signifies that this TAFS has received or may receive an automatic apportionment.]
12X4391 Amounts on this apportionment are rounded up to ensure apportioned amounts reflect actual resources available per section 120.21 of OMB Circular A-11. As a result, amounts shown as budgetary resources may be lower than actual amounts reported on the SF-133.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.