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Disaster Relief Fund


TAFS: 070-0702 /X - Disaster Relief Fund

Adjustment authority: No
Reporting categories: No
Line #SplitDescriptionAmountFootnotes
1000EEstimated - Estimated - Unob Bal: Brought forward, Oct 1 $5,891,991,000
1060Unob Bal: Antic nonexpenditure transfers (net) -$278,291,099
1061Unob Bal: Antic recov of prior year unpd/pd obl $1,000,000,000
1740BA: Disc: Spending auth:Antic colls, reimbs, other $205,000
1920Total budgetary resources avail (disc. and mand.) $6,613,904,901
6011Category B - Disaster Relief Cap Adjustment $583,000,000
6012Category B - Disaster Relief - Base $4,062,119,669
6013Category B - Disaster Readiness Support $279,082,232
6014Category B - Pre-Disaster Mitigation $291,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6014:

A2: Consistent with the authority provided by section 203(i) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5133(i)), and OMB direction previously agreed to by FEMA, of the amounts apportioned to line 6011, no more than $1 billion may be set aside as a result of COVID-19 major disaster declarations. This limitation applies to all planned obligations on a cumulative basis for this program going forward and shall be reflected as such in all Congressional reports.

6015Category B - Disaster Facilities $98,703,000
6170Apportioned in FY 2023 $1,300,000,000See footnotes below
Footnotes for line 6170:

A1: If a programmatic need arises in FY 2021 for the obligation of funds currently apportioned in Category C, the agency may reallocate the Category C amounts to the applicable Category B lines without further action by OMB. OMB shall be notified of such action ten business days after such reallocation.

6190Total budgetary resources available $6,613,904,901


Footnotes provide further information about, or establish further legal requirements related to the use of, the funds in a given line or set of lines in an apportionment. If footnotes appear on lines 1920 or 6190, they apply to all the lines in the 1xxx and 6xxx sections, respectively. The following are all the footnotes associated with this file.

If a programmatic need arises in FY 2021 for the obligation of funds currently apportioned in Category C, the agency may reallocate the Category C amounts to the applicable Category B lines without further action by OMB. OMB shall be notified of such action ten business days after such reallocation.
Consistent with the authority provided by section 203(i) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5133(i)), and OMB direction previously agreed to by FEMA, of the amounts apportioned to line 6011, no more than $1 billion may be set aside as a result of COVID-19 major disaster declarations. This limitation applies to all planned obligations on a cumulative basis for this program going forward and shall be reflected as such in all Congressional reports.

Notes about this page

  • † Links to public laws are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to be accurate.